We hunt in pop up blinds that we pack in on our backs.
Pussy. I lie on the ground, covered with mud and leaves with my knife in my teeth. Then, when the moment is right... I lunge into action. Stabbing the deer in the heart and wrestling him to the ground. Then I drink his blood to warm back up.
Pussy. I lie on the ground, covered with mud and leaves with my knife in my teeth. Then, when the moment is right... I lunge into action. Stabbing the deer in the heart and wrestling him to the ground. Then I drink his blood to warm back up.
Pussy. I lie on the ground, covered with mud and leaves with my knife in my teeth. Then, when the moment is right... I lunge into action. Stabbing the deer in the heart and wrestling him to the ground. Then I drink his blood to warm back up.
You're doing it wrong. Ride with my wife down US69 in Rains County. Deer sense her aura of badassery and throw themselves in front of her car.
OP - Sorry, not trying to hijack your thread. Back on topic now. I'm watching for some good ideas too.
Here are some pics of the one we built today. 4'x6'. 6' front wall and 7' back wall ( was supposed to be the other way around, oops)
Windows are 22"x10" They are clear plexiglas but still have the plastic on them so they look foggy ( I know the front windows are off to one side. Not sire what happen to my dads measuring skills haha )
I'll get inside pics tomorrow so you can see how the windows work
There will be metal covering the the roof
The wife and my step mom wanted to paint it. Turn out good I think
my uncle(has a few screws loose) was out in the stand with me one morning last season. He brought in a .22 he swore he took down a deer with the previous season and I lmao. long story short a buck rolls up he shoots it then darts out of the stand and hops on the deers back and stabs it with his big ass knife.
my uncle(has a few screws loose) was out in the stand with me one morning last season. He brought in a .22 he swore he took down a deer with the previous season and I lmao. long story short a buck rolls up he shoots it then darts out of the stand and hops on the deers back and stabs it with his big ass knife.
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler