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Here is what started the most amazing week of my life thus far.

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Gargamel View Post
    No one should ever jump out of a perfectly good airplane.

    But then again, I'm not an adrenaline junkie....
    I couldn't agree more.

    MySpace Tracker


    • #47
      Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
      It could be BS, as I was not there. The closest thing I have seen for proof was a cell phone pic. However, he very well could have just shimmied up the pole right after landing.

      I don't know, but it was a badass story to a newb at the time.


      • #48
        Here's a pic I took.... CRW and birdman gets you the best bang for the buck.


        • #49
          Originally posted by tribaltalon View Post
          lolz. *shrugs* nah, but I think Roscoe and other experienced jumpers would tend to be in agreement with me. Not knocking you AT ALL, I was once in your shoes oh, about 10 years ago.
          I learned a LOOOOONG time ago not to use the words "can't," "won't," and "don't," in correlation with something he's set his sights on. Now, I'll end up jumping out of a plane with him strapped to my back before the kids are out of the house. Thanks, assholes! :-)


          • #50
            Originally posted by tribaltalon View Post
   personal favorites are the twin otters, skyvans and mike mullin's King Air (if its still around). They'll get you up to altitude quicker in relative comfort and 14k feet instead of 7!
            LOL. Boogie Til Ya Puke, FTW! Last I heard, Mullins quit doing those because he was losing money, I dunno though. That thing would haul some ass.



            • #51
              Hell yeah it would! Bummer to hear about Mullins, he was quite the character! Ive been out of the scene for some time now, but i plan on buying a new rig soon.



              • #52
                That thing was so fast it would be jumpers to the ground. It'd get to like 14,200 in 7something minutes. This video shows that thing hauling ass back to earth.


                • #53
                  Lol yup and don't forget the zero G stunts. Pretty trippy to be sitting then all of a sudden weightless LOL. I was in the right seat when Virgilio pulled 6.5 G's in SDH's twin otter and bent the main wing spar. The horiztonal stabilizers were bent up like a V. LMAO that was interesting to fly/land. We were both sure the wings were gonna fall off anytime. (twin otters are only rated for 4G's) getting that tunnel vision from pulling that many G's was badass but the repair bill was sickening. That's why we had to borrow turbines from Dallas back in oh...2003 maybe?



                  • #54
                    I picked up the proofs from the reception, so I figured I'd share a couple of the work safe ones.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by ComeAgainJen View Post
                      I picked up the proofs from the reception, so I figured I'd share a couple of the work safe ones.

                      Nice pics Jen, I love the theme. Looks like it was alot of fun.

                      You do know there is a NSFW section for those pics right?


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Steve View Post
                        Nice pics Jen, I love the theme. Looks like it was alot of fun.

                        You do know there is a NSFW section for those pics right?

                        Yeah, I'm kinda torn about posting the ones from the wedding week, though. I'd have to spend a lot of time photoshopping Robert's penis out of them. He has no shame, but I doubt you guys wanna see his junk in all its glory.


                        • #57
                          you have lots of time, dont you? lol jk.



                          • #58


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by tribaltalon View Post
                              you have lots of time, dont you? lol jk.
                              Pfffft! If I had the time, I'd already have his penis photo shopped out of them and have them posted!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by GE View Post
                                LOL. Boogie Til Ya Puke, FTW! Last I heard, Mullins quit doing those because he was losing money, I dunno though. That thing would haul some ass.

                                I jumped Mullins kingair at the WFFC 2004, it was stupid fast. No point in even taking your helmet off. Not my favorite door but beat the crap out of spending almost 30 minutes in a beat to hell Otter or little C182

