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Here is what started the most amazing week of my life thus far.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Muffrazr View Post
    This is the first jump in an effort to obtain my AFF jumping certification. Once I have completed my Tandem instructor's license, Jenn will go on her first jump out of a perfectly good airplane.

    She says that she doesn't trust anyone else to handle a shitty situation properly, and she doesn't want to splat the ground with anyone else if it all goes down the toilet.
    Cool vid, bad idea.

    First off, it'll take you at least 500 jumps before you can get your tandem cert. Then you'll probably have a few hundred of those jumps before you really become a somewhat "skilled" meat hauler, at the very least.


    She can jump with someone that has over 2000-4000 jumps and more than half of those have been tandem. Also, they've probably seen most anything a tandem passenger can do.

    Your call though. Enjoy. nice practice touches, btw....


    • #17
      I get what you're saying. We already have the idea in our heads of how many jumps it will really take to be truly formidable against whatever my package of meat strapped to my chest can dish out.

      She recognizes how I react in the worst of high stress situations with copious amounts of adrenaline involved. I've been doing this type of stuff my whole life. Skydiving is just the newest one.

      I really get what you're saying, though. The amount of respect I have for the situation is extremely high.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
        Cool vid, bad idea.

        First off, it'll take you at least 500 jumps before you can get your tandem cert. Then you'll probably have a few hundred of those jumps before you really become a somewhat "skilled" meat hauler, at the very least.


        She can jump with someone that has over 2000-4000 jumps and more than half of those have been tandem. Also, they've probably seen most anything a tandem passenger can do.

        Your call though. Enjoy. nice practice touches, btw....
        You shut your whore mouth! I'm attempting to prolong having to jump out of an airplane as long as I can.....I have a plan, man!


        • #19
          I was expecting a xxx video...


          • #20
            Originally posted by Muffrazr View Post
            I get what you're saying. We already have the idea in our heads of how many jumps it will really take to be truly formidable against whatever my package of meat strapped to my chest can dish out.

            She recognizes how I react in the worst of high stress situations with copious amounts of adrenaline involved. I've been doing this type of stuff my whole life. Skydiving is just the newest one.

            I really get what you're saying, though. The amount of respect I have for the situation is extremely high.
            Looked at buying your gear yet?

            AFF1-7 - $1600ish
            Jumps 8-25 - $600 (some require coaching, depends on your ability)

            Main - $1250
            Reserve - $800
            Container - $1500
            Cypress - $1500 (buy this new)

            Jumpsuit $100-350 (good luck finding one that fits your body)
            Helmet - $100-200
            Audible/Altimeter - $100-250

            ~$7800 and you're only at your A, and these are used prices. Be prepared to give up virtually any weekend to be at the dropzone. Every weekend.

            Hope your new bride is along for the ride, because if she's not jumping and you are, there will be a strain on your marriage like virtually none other.

            Good luck.


            • #21
              Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
              I was expecting a xxx video...
              Every now and then, we'll surprise folks by throwing out parts of out lives with a PG-13 rating.


              • #22
                Originally posted by ComeAgainJen View Post
                You shut your whore mouth! I'm attempting to prolong having to jump out of an airplane as long as I can.....I have a plan, man!
                LMAO - didn't know you were the "she" in this scenario...


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
                  Looked at buying your gear yet?

                  AFF1-7 - $1600ish
                  Jumps 8-25 - $600 (some require coaching, depends on your ability)

                  Main - $1250
                  Reserve - $800
                  Container - $1500
                  Cypress - $1500 (buy this new)

                  Jumpsuit $100-350 (good luck finding one that fits your body)
                  Helmet - $100-200
                  Audible/Altimeter - $100-250

                  ~$7800 and you're only at your A, and these are used prices. Be prepared to give up virtually any weekend to be at the dropzone. Every weekend.

                  Hope your new bride is along for the ride, because if she's not jumping and you are, there will be a strain on your marriage like virtually none other.

                  Good luck.
                  Don't forget about the high risk insurance policy premium I'm paying so life insurance will pay off if he goes splat. I'm intelligent enough to do my research before funding a project.

                  That's also the beauty of having his drop zone outside of Austin....having a regular excuse to go to Austin and hang out with my friends and family.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
                    Looked at buying your gear yet?

                    AFF1-7 - $1600ish
                    Jumps 8-25 - $600 (some require coaching, depends on your ability)

                    Main - $1250
                    Reserve - $800
                    Container - $1500
                    Cypress - $1500 (buy this new)

                    Jumpsuit $100-350 (good luck finding one that fits your body)
                    Helmet - $100-200
                    Audible/Altimeter - $100-250

                    ~$7800 and you're only at your A, and these are used prices. Be prepared to give up virtually any weekend to be at the dropzone. Every weekend.

                    Hope your new bride is along for the ride, because if she's not jumping and you are, there will be a strain on your marriage like virtually none other.

                    Good luck.
                    Originally posted by ComeAgainJen View Post
                    Don't forget about the high risk insurance policy premium I'm paying so life insurance will pay off if he goes splat. I'm intelligent enough to do my research before funding a project.

                    That's also the beauty of having his drop zone outside of Austin....having a regular excuse to go to Austin and hang out with my friends and family.
                    ...yeah, it's pretty well thought out...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Muffrazr View Post
                      ...yeah, it's pretty well thought out...
                      Getting his Class A and some of his gear is my wedding present to him. I joked to my girlfriends that they needed to start sucking up well before the jump, because I was going to Saint Thomas regardless of how it turned out....and I would possibly have an extra ticket. I'm a realist.


                      • #26
                        No one should ever jump out of a perfectly good airplane.

                        But then again, I'm not an adrenaline junkie....


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Gargamel View Post
                          No one should ever jump out of a perfectly good airplane.

                          But then again, I'm not an adrenaline junkie....
                          I would much rather be in a plane heading to a fun locale where I spend a week or so relaxing, but I'm not an adrenaline junkie, either.
                          I have jeeps because I'd rather get dirty or climb trails than go fast.

                          I've known him a long time, so I knew what I was getting into. So whether it's working our schedule and budget around building cars, jumping out of planes, or whatever else life brings along, he has my full support. As long as he keeps putting out, I'm a happy camper!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by ComeAgainJen View Post
                            I would much rather be in a plane heading to a fun locale where I spend a week or so relaxing, but I'm not an adrenaline junkie, either.
                            I have jeeps because I'd rather get dirty or climb trails than go fast.

                            I've known him a long time, so I knew what I was getting into. So whether it's working our schedule and budget around building cars, jumping out of planes, or whatever else life brings along, he has my full support. As long as he keeps putting out, I'm a happy camper!
                            Guys... As a general rule... Have no problem putting out.

                            So I think you're safe.... LOL


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Gargamel View Post
                              Guys... As a general rule... Have no problem putting out.

                              So I think you're safe.... LOL
                              I will say, it was interesting listening to the skydivers talk about how many wives they've gone through over the years. Apparently, they lose them to AIDS--Altitude Induced Divorce Syndrome.


                              • #30
                                always wanted to do that
                                I've learned that pleasing everyone is impossible,

                                but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake

