I thought about starting a thread about this in the back porch but if you're ever lacking motivation or feeling like things are too big to overcome just watch this or just think about the sacrifices service men and women are making each and every day.
I know I bitch too much sometimes and sometimes I don't work hard enough but when I really think about it I draw strength from the people who are so selfless and who lay their lives on the line for us.
I consider myself patriotic and I donate my time and money fairly often, but for some reason I still don't associate the reality of what's going on with that patriotism.
Here's another big thanks to everyone on here, anyone who stumbles by this by chance or people who don't have a clue that I'm writing this. Your services in the past and the service that soldiers continue to provide doesn't go unnoticed... and in my case it makes me stronger knowing that you're out there doing what you do.

I know I bitch too much sometimes and sometimes I don't work hard enough but when I really think about it I draw strength from the people who are so selfless and who lay their lives on the line for us.
I consider myself patriotic and I donate my time and money fairly often, but for some reason I still don't associate the reality of what's going on with that patriotism.
Here's another big thanks to everyone on here, anyone who stumbles by this by chance or people who don't have a clue that I'm writing this. Your services in the past and the service that soldiers continue to provide doesn't go unnoticed... and in my case it makes me stronger knowing that you're out there doing what you do.
