People in communities like that will side with their own every time.
In 1994 I was part of a team serving a narcotics search warrant on Waldorf jus south of E Berry when a person took a shot at us. In the foot chase, he threw the gun to some people standing near another house and they hid the gun.
Listen, if he hadnt been running from the police in the first place, this wouldnt have happened. Phone, or gun, A) dont run from the police, B) if youre running from the police, keep your hands empty.
looks like the guy walks past a gun about 15ft from that chain and the gray hoodie guy pics up a phone about 8ft from the chain. hoodie guy isn't near where that gun was left
im not saying he shouldnt have ran just stating what I found, the news and police report tht it was a gun recovered from a felon, but in tht video hes asking if thts was tht guys phone?
Pause at :15 in the video, and look at the very bottom/right.
yea but if you see the news they say they he was picking it up in the vid, show so called gun then cut to where hes getting phone.... Any-who guys dead wrong or right lol
yea but if you see the news they say they he was picking it up in the vid, show so called gun then cut to where hes getting phone.... Any-who guys dead wrong or right lol
Yes, in the video someone is picking up what he says is a phone. Who is to say he didn't walk over and pick up the gun out of view of the cell phone video?
IF you look at the same video from the beginning until :15, you can clearly see a gun. No "so-called" about it, look at the video. Now, we can't say where the gun came from though, as that wasn't shown.
Originally posted by SSMAN
...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.
You're right. Police are only out to do good, never lie, never cover anything up, never abuse their authority, etc. We should all blindly pledge allegiance, and let them do what they do. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. They'd never in a million years do anything unethical.
And the mentality that all police are just out there to exert authority and violate the public trust is what pisses me off. I have known some asshole cops, but the percentage is small and they don't last long. The vast majority of LEOs are good people that try to make a difference in the communities that they work in.
"young man you are sure are bleeding a lot. Do you know what happened to you?
"you played a stupid game and this is your prize. Relish it while you can. By the looks of this red pool here, you have about 3-4 minutes."
I can tell you were the EMS is at. They are in no hurry to drive to your part of town in the mist of a mob. Don't you fuckers have a job? Amazing how they just seem to come out from no where. See here is an example of why you should be at work (legal work) and not running from the cops.