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Self defense or murder?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Machx2 View Post
    I would vote on self defense if I were on the jury. He wouldn't have gone out any other day just to kill someone.
    I'm actually a little surprised that as a cop you feel that way. The truth is I would probably hold you to a different standard as an experienced professional. (I assumed you may try to hold a civilian to the standards you have to follow, which I am wrong apparently) However, someone doing the self-defense thing I understand the emotions.

    I still probably would not think life in jail would be appropriate for a cop either - under the circumstances. However, I/the general public would probably frown on that behavior a lot more - since you're supposed to be better trained, less emotional and (again) a professional.

    Plus, if you did it would probably get watered down to a race thing or something.
    Originally posted by MR EDD
    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


    • #47
      Originally posted by SS Junk View Post

      What video are you watching? He didn't shoot a fleeing suspect. Dude shot was still in the store.
      I'm not saying I necessarily agree on principle the conviction of Murder.

      However, playing the devil's advocate, he did two things wrong.

      1. Chasing the first guy out of the store was what I was referring to. That's fine, but there no longer is an imminent threat when the guy is running for his life out the door and down the street. You pull the trigger in that situation and you're toast in front a jury. Too many cases on the books to prove that point.

      2. There was too long of an interval between the shot in head to guy #2 and when he came back and did 5 more shots. He took too much time and that raises some eyebrows. And those 5 additional shots was the nail in the coffin for his defense. It was excessive. The guy probably looked like a piece of Swiss cheese after that. Was there an imminent threat after 46 seconds had lapsed with the dude on the ground? Did it warrant another casual 5 shots with a 2nd gun? That's a tough call. Apparently, the jury didn't think so and he's going to rot in prison for essentially being over zealous. There is some gray area there, but honestly I think it would have been a damn hard call to make if I was a juror in that trial.


      • #48
        Originally posted by ceyko View Post
        I'm actually a little surprised that as a cop you feel that way. The truth is I would probably hold you to a different standard as an experienced professional. (I assumed you may try to hold a civilian to the standards you have to follow, which I am wrong apparently) However, someone doing the self-defense thing I understand the emotions.

        I still probably would not think life in jail would be appropriate for a cop either - under the circumstances. However, I/the general public would probably frown on that behavior a lot more - since you're supposed to be better trained, less emotional and (again) a professional.

        Plus, if you did it would probably get watered down to a race thing or something.
        I would not hold a civilian to the same standard as a cop in this situation. He was not trained for this. Heck no one really is. I would have had a different train of thought though. I wouldn't have gone back to shoot him again. We do not know what this man was thinking. He is not a murderer though.


        • #49
          Murder is a huge stretch if you ask me. Maybe manslaughter and give him probation?? But life in prison.. Come on. You have "criminals" that go around raping women and drunk drivers killing people that get less.


          • #50
            Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
            Demographics of jury?
            Very very racist question.

            Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
            I'm not saying I necessarily agree on principle the conviction of Murder.

            However, playing the devil's advocate, he did two things wrong.

            1. Chasing the first guy out of the store was what I was referring to. That's fine, but there no longer is an imminent threat when the guy is running for his life out the door and down the street. You pull the trigger in that situation and you're toast in front a jury. Too many cases on the books to prove that point.
            Depends on the state. Look up the Joe Horn case.
            2. There was too long of an interval between the shot in head to guy #2 and when he came back and did 5 more shots. He took too much time and that raises some eyebrows. And those 5 additional shots was the nail in the coffin for his defense. It was excessive. The guy probably looked like a piece of Swiss cheese after that. Was there an imminent threat after 46 seconds had lapsed with the dude on the ground? Did it warrant another casual 5 shots with a 2nd gun? That's a tough call. Apparently, the jury didn't think so and he's going to rot in prison for essentially being over zealous. There is some gray area there, but honestly I think it would have been a damn hard call to make if I was a juror in that trial.
            Dude does not deserve a murder conviction. If those two cock suckers would not have tried to rob his store then nothing would have happened. Don't start no shit, ain't gonna be no shit. If anything it should have been a conviction of mutilating a corpse.


            • #51
              Self defense, our justice system is fucked the hell up. Do I believe the kid was moving......possibly. Was he in danger ? Probably not. Would he have been sued by the kid's family if he was incapacitated for life and lived, most definitely. Did the little fucker deserve to die, when you go to steal from someone, death is always and option and if you don't consider it, your just a dumbass.

              At the very most he should have gotten a probated sentence for a much lesser charge for the theatrics of shooting him on camera so many times.


              • #52
                If he offed him with a head shot and he was dead how in the hell is "killing" someone who is already dead murder?

                I see the other side though, sense of urgency and taking his time, and all of that.

                I am still of the majority that if they didn't go in there flaring guns none of this would have happened. I can see questioning the 5 additional shots more if this was a home robery or there was no tape recorder but it is obvious these people were at gun point and was strictly self defense.

                I wish they would stop saying he is 16 or a kid as if it had some meaning. If he was 10 or 11 maybe, but the shit head is old enough to understand his actions.

                Thug Life!
                Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


                • #53
                  probably wouldnt be in jail had he not unloaded most of the clip into the guy. those poor chiggers really act like the world lost something when that thug got wasted


                  • #54
                    Same thing we did to Osama. You gotta make sure they are down for the count.

                    SELF DEFENSE
                    2006 Z71 CCSB
                    2004 Mustang GT - SOLD
                    2003 F-150 - SOLD
                    2000 Ford F-250 - SOLD
                    1987 GT - SOLD
                    1971 F-100 - SOLD

                    No more Fords


                    • #55
                      Geeze, what a world we live in. If you walk into someones store with a loaded gun, pointing it at employee's and state that you are there to rob the place you in turn give up the right to live.

                      The guy was wrong but the punk brought it on himself...end of subject!


                      • #56
                        I cant help but feel like the guilty conviction is mostly the fault of the defense attorney(s). To try and justify the 5 extra shots that sure looked like an execution to me as him still seeing the robber as a threat, they should have just went with the whole mental card. If people can kill other people in cold blood for no reason and avoid execution by means of temporary insanity, then surely your average person, like this pharmacist, was not in his right mind after he had just shot a child in the head. I vote not guilty and he should get a fucking medal instead of a prison cell.


                        • #57
                          I think he should be left alone and the the other thug that got away should be given the murder rap . Someone was killed while he was commiting a crime so in my eyes he is guilty of helping to get his budy shot . We don't know if the head shot was a kill shot and we also don't know where the perps weapon was either . If he still had possesion or if it was in close range I say good kill . He would have been moving or twitching , I say good kill . He should have never chose to be a scum bag thief , I say good kill . The time laps and level headed actions don't look good for the shooter but I say the end justifies the means , good kill . That bag of shit will never pull a gun on me or any one I know or anyone else again . Thank you for your service , good kill .
                          Big Rooster Racing


                          • #58
                            Whitey is a fucking moron. Should have got them both though.


                            • #59
                              Manslaughter at worst. He wouldn't see a day of jail if I were on the jury. Don't be a thieving little cracker and you won't get shot.


                              • #60
                                What has been said, I agree with. The minute they broke into that guys house, all bets were off. If I were in that jury, he'd be spending time with his family right now, not rotting in a jail cell with real criminals. Fucking shame I tell ya. But it's not just the jury, it's the DA for deciding to prosecute the case, and the judge for not throwing it out, and the defense attorney for being a complete asshat.

