This was on my window this morning. I never exceed the speed limit in my neighborhood, but it probably sounds like it cause of the fo five sixes!! haha. Is there anything they can do?
Yeah, gotta take it easy in neighborhoods. Although, if you're not speeding and during normal day time - the police probably won't do anything about it. Just a hassle.
Originally posted by MR EDD
U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.
Wtf? If someone ever put that on my door in an apartment complex of all places I would be telling them to get bent. I would put my own note on the door for the next time telling them something of the sort.
That is unless you are actually speeding or acting a fool, then by all means you sort of fell into that.
Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.
The thing is that it's some old couple. I'm always careful in the neighborhood because I knew this would happen. They are just grumpy. sure I pin it sometimes, but never in or near the neighborhood. I am respectful to my neighbors because I know many of them. The other problem I have is that they can't tell the difference between my car or someone elses. There are multiple loud cars where I live.
Turn up the music to help drown out the engine noise.
I think his point is that the fish got low balled, fucked in the catfish asshole and you paid half price. The worst part was the fish explaining to his fish friends why his asshole smelled like redneck