I realize I am gonna get a lot of "your house is small and chitty" comments but I am hoping to get some serious advice.
As some of you know I have my house and 10 acres up for sale. Its been slow going so I think it would help if I had the yard done up a little nicer. I know jack about yard work and hate it with a passion. A friend and his brothers are pros and offered to do it for me but I about pooped myself when he told me the price. We agreed at $2300 but man it still seems like a lot of cash for a couple days work.
Just wanting to know if they are being strait up or tryin to hose me.
They will trim down this tree and clear out the old dead branches on the ground plus trim the tree till 10' up and he said "umbrella" shape it. Whatever that means?

Clean out all the growth thats around some very nice white rock flower bed here on the side and plant a couple bushes.

Trim down this big ass tree and take off its dead branch. (car is getting moved tomorrow)

Trim down all these trees to make them uniform and again "umbrella" shape them. Also trim the lower branches to be able to walk under them without ducking.

And then clean out the growth around the front and side here. Trim the rose bushes. Clean the palm bush and put in a couple more bushes on the side and lay down some red dirt.... I think he said red dirt. That whole area is also surrounded by a 8" tall white rock border.

So is $2300 about right for all that? They will also be trimming out the rest of the yard and around the fence plus haul off an old bed and old car shell.
As some of you know I have my house and 10 acres up for sale. Its been slow going so I think it would help if I had the yard done up a little nicer. I know jack about yard work and hate it with a passion. A friend and his brothers are pros and offered to do it for me but I about pooped myself when he told me the price. We agreed at $2300 but man it still seems like a lot of cash for a couple days work.
Just wanting to know if they are being strait up or tryin to hose me.
They will trim down this tree and clear out the old dead branches on the ground plus trim the tree till 10' up and he said "umbrella" shape it. Whatever that means?

Clean out all the growth thats around some very nice white rock flower bed here on the side and plant a couple bushes.

Trim down this big ass tree and take off its dead branch. (car is getting moved tomorrow)

Trim down all these trees to make them uniform and again "umbrella" shape them. Also trim the lower branches to be able to walk under them without ducking.

And then clean out the growth around the front and side here. Trim the rose bushes. Clean the palm bush and put in a couple more bushes on the side and lay down some red dirt.... I think he said red dirt. That whole area is also surrounded by a 8" tall white rock border.

So is $2300 about right for all that? They will also be trimming out the rest of the yard and around the fence plus haul off an old bed and old car shell.