He is a disgrace. To bad-mouth Texans and poo-poo us for wanting secure borders just pisses me off. He makes one pass through here (to pick up a $2 million check in Austin) and takes a photo-op to let us know how silly and inane we are because our border is already "secure"? He can kiss my Texas/American born ass. For POTUS to belittle ANY of his states is unheard of. $4 a gallon gas, trillions in debt, 9% unemployment (which is not accurate), and he wants to tackle immigration reform? You've gotta be fucking kidding me...
Hitler was part Jew and Barack was held by the nostrils so God could paint him.
Holy shitballs! Classic Sean right thurr. I'm in tears over here.
"It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."
Hitler was part Jew and Barack was held by the nostrils so God could paint him.
Get is straight man. God put him against a cop car to paint him. That's why the palms of his hands and hit feet are still white. Sheesh. Thought everyone knew that.