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Antagonizing police video....

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  • #31
    Originally posted by kingjason View Post
    So you want to live in a world with no police??? You must have THE wallet. I would like to see this video attempted in any other country and see how it would have went. I would have given my badge and name because it was a lawful checkpoint. I like how people throw that out there like its gonna matter at some point as long as the police are not over stepping their bounds.
    Not at all, any man doing his job has my respect as a provider to his family. Doesn't mean that I don't disagree, but the right to disagree is one that I fought for in Iraq, my father fought for in Vietnam, and grandfather fought for in WWII.

    My grandfather was killed by a drunk driver while responding to a volunteer fire call and I've never been arrested. However, police consistently overstep their boundaries b/c they can. From age 16-21, I was searched every time I was pulled over, told to sign a consent to search form. Every time I refused I was accused of hiding something. To the officers surprise I just respect my rights as an American.

    The officers in this video could have easily given their name and badge number then told them to do the same. Instead they acted in typical cop fashion and said you do what I say and F*** your rights as an American. That attitude is what I have a problem with. BTW - the most noticeable contribution police have made to my life is when I chose to not kill the teenagers breaking in to my wife's car and gave the police the opportunity to arrest them.


    • #32
      Originally posted by kingjason View Post
      LOL I did not say that. He actually states he hates cops.
      I never said I hate cops, I look at cops just the same as TXDOT inspectors, IRS workers, and politicians too wrapped up in their own agenda to serve the public. Complain about being under paid, yet retire off of the private sectors dime at age 40.


      • #33
        Originally posted by kingjason View Post
        LOL I did not say that. He actually states he hates cops.

        He said this is why some people hate cops, he didn't say he did. I don't hate cops either. Quite the contrary. You guys have a tough as hell job. But stuff like this is fucking bullshit.


        • #34
          I would like to see it where everyone had guns and minded their own fucking business I don't hate the police (have 2 good friends that are cops) I just don't care for the assholes that just happen to have a badge


          • #35
            Originally posted by kingjason View Post
            LOL I did not say that. He actually states he hates cops.
            I don't want to dogpile on you, but I have repeatedly seen you, Matt and Deputy Don all immediately make this statement many times when people are critical of bad cops. You (collectively) automatically think in most cases that anyone that does not agree with you are cop haters. It is not a good conclusion to jump to in each case of criticism.

            Originally posted by SSMAN
            ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


            • #36
              Fuckin wetbags!
              He probably had no insurance or DL


              • #37
                DUI checkpoints in Texas are going through the legislature now, dunno if it'll stick this time or not.

                Looks like this was in Cali. I'm curious as to how this has been ruled on before in regards to the Constitutionality of sobriety checkpoints and ID checks. If either of them are routinely done out there, I think these guys are fucked.


                • #38
                  What I've learned from the cops in this thread so far is that state law trumps constitutional rights. Didn't we fight a war over that in the mid 1800s?


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Aceman85turbo View Post
                    any stop initiated without probable cause is a hassle.

                    I sat on the side of the road with my infant son and 3 year old daughter in the 105 degree heat while the officer removed my car stereo and the contents of my trunk(luggage and underwear all over the road) all because their dog smelled drugs.

                    No drugs found because I do not use any drugs.

                    There was no probable cause for the stop either.
                    I'll post my similar incident form a po-dunk town of 1100 people that had 7 cops on duty. It is a long read though.

                    I was pulled over on a Friday after work, by a cop that had actually pulled me over many other times previously with a plethora of reasons, upon asking him why I was pulled over this time (in a calm, respective tone), I was told that he had reasonable suspicion that I was transporting drugs in my vehicle. When asked if the could search it, I told them I rather them not, as it is mostly open and you can see basically everything in the vehicle. So I was detained for an hour as they got a warrant, then another hour as they striped my ride.

                    At this point, let me fill in what my vehicle was at the time. It was a slightly lifted Suzuki Samurai with the convertible top. These things are about as spartan as they come, very plain interior, etc, and in mine I had removed the rear seat. All of the interior panels and carpet snap on and off for easy cleaning. On this day, I had the top on, but the sides and back panels were rolled up, so the vehicle was basically open all around.

                    Back to the story.

                    The officers, now four car loads of them, descended on my poor Sammi like vultures on roadkill. First to be pulled was my soft top, which was pretty much destroyed because it seems cops cannot figure out how to un-snap a snap, un-strap a strap, or un-zip a zipper, so they just cut and tore where needed

                    Next to be pulled was all of the rollbar padding, it was cut open in the places that the zippers got stuck, and then stacked on the sidewalk, next to top.

                    Next pulled were the seat covers and spare tire cover, they were thrown on the pile.

                    Next pulled was the snap-in interior panels, but I guess the snaps dumbfounded them again, as they ripped four of the seven panels apart trying to unsnap them. These where thrown on the pile, which is getting pretty big.

                    At this point, they removed the carpet, which came out pretty easy, sat it to the side and hovered the drug dog on it while the others kept pulling parts.

                    Soon, someone was removing and cutting my spare tire up to check in it, and the seats un-bolted and pulled out.

                    The hood came up, and my air cleaner and filter was tossed on the pile.

                    Well, after about another 30 minutes of then running the dog all over the big pill of shit on the sidewalk, and through the gutted carcass of my 'zuki, I was told I was free to go. I asked if any of them would help me put it back together, and was fucking laughed at, and was told I had five minutes to my pile of interior off the sidewalk. I had to get the driver seat in, tighten by hand the bolts/nuts as much as I could, and load all the bullshit they pulled in the back of it the best I could.
                    When I asked about damages, they said not to talk to them about it, to go to the police department, they told me to talk to the city, which told me to talk to police station.

                    So basically, my weekend was fucked because I had to rebuild the interior of my ride, buy a new $700 soft top. and a $155 31" B F Goodridge mud terrain tire.

                    The kicker of this story is, the very next Friday, driving home from work, had to drive back through the podunk little town, the same cop fell in behind me, and followed for four miles past the city limits, then lights me up. I stop quickly, and asked why I was being detained this time. He informed me that he had reason to suspect that I had outstanding warrants. To this I reply: "If I had warrants, wouldn't they have shown up during last Fridays three hour ordeal?" He just smirks and walks back to his car, sat there for about 30 minutes, before coming back and giving my paperwork and ID back.

                    Now, before anyone says 'he obviously had an issue with you', I was told by a buddy I went to school with that was actually one of the 7 cops, that this dude did this shit nearly daily. He fucked with people every shift. This guy had more reports filed on him than the whole department did combined for YEARS. I know he was fired twice for reasons not publicly given, but came back each time.The rest of the police force were really cool, the chief was an awesome guy, he had a third gen Camaro that he had some work done to it, he would kid about us needing to line my Mustang up with his Camaro. Hell, sometimes I think he was serious.

                    One bad apple can fuck the bunch, though

                    Sorry for the long rant.

                    Originally posted by SSMAN
                    ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by stevo View Post
                      I'll post my similar incident form a po-dunk town of 1100 people that had 7 cops on duty. It is a long read though.

                      Sorry for the long rant.

                      Time to report mother fuckers!


                      • #41
                        " this is my private property.....Yes that means it belongs to us"

                        fuck those ass holes.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                          Yes, in this instance, the police are Nazis. The police can't just walk up to you on the street and detain you, why should they be able to do it just because you are driving a car? How does the car change anything at all?

                          And according to Texas' interpretation of the constitution, sobriety checkpoints are illegal. The Supreme Court of the US has made many decisions based on the fact that police work should be non intrusive. I can't think of anything more intrusive than having to stop on a road and answer random questions for no reason other than being on that particular highway.
                          Because you are on a public roadway. Driving is a priviledge, not a right.

                          Originally posted by Aceman85turbo View Post
                          Probable Cause.

                          Thats all it boils down to. No citizen of this country should be obligated to undergo interogation and fishing expeditions to fill gaps in budgets.

                          Amendment 4 to the constitution. PC
                          Amendment 5 to the constitution. not required to incriminate ones self.
                          You see it as revenue generation, I see it as cleaning the roadway.

                          Originally posted by talisman View Post
                          Ah yes, standing up for your rights=cop hater. Cops have no right to stop me in the middle of the street unless they can visually determine there is something wrong with my car; ie expired tags/inspection, no front plate, etc. Als post covered this well. THese check points are complete bullshit, and the fact that they have been ruled as unconstitutional yet the police continue to use them really pisses me the fuck off. This country is becoming more and more irrelevant every day shit like this allowed to continue. I didn't even watch the video, I'm just speaking in general on DWI checkpoints.

                          In FTW we set up choke points that force drivers to slow down. Then we visually look for violations and go from there.


                          • #43
                            Stevo, did you file a claim with the city?

                            Did you speak to an attorney about this?

                            I think a FCRV lawsuit would have probably gotten you a nice chunk of change.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                              Because you are on a public roadway. Driving is a priviledge, not a right.

                              So having a license for something means you can be stopped at any time for no reason just to be checked out? Matt, don't make me fucking laugh.


                              • #45
                                Not to jump on the bandwagon, but I agree with you here talisman.

