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Fun at IHOP

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  • Fun at IHOP

    Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

  • #2
    Stupid bitch.


    • #3
      white people in atlanta? obvious fake.


      • #4
        I see nothing fucking wrong with it. These two cops have to break up what looks to be a childish outburst in a public place and she is obviously interfering. She should have kept her fucking hands to herself like you learn in Pre-K and moved out of the way.
        Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
        Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


        • #5
          Originally posted by TheTRiM View Post
          white people in atlanta? obvious fake.
          Who was it that was crying we were all racists?


          • #6
            Originally posted by TheTRiM View Post
            white people in atlanta? obvious fake.
            haha nice
            If you can read this thank a teacher. If it's in English thank a soldier.


            • #7
              LOL pimp slapped the bitch then punched her. HAHAHA "Where my money ho, where my money" NEVER hit a cop.


              • #8
                bitch was trying to claw at his eyes and he muff'd that bitch in the face to get back. she starts swinging and of course he goes after her. only thing i can see biting him in the ass is that over the top swing to the face

                she did deserve it though and i sure as hell lol'd


                • #9
                  Better act right or you gonna get smacked right!


                  • #10
                    lol, spectacular...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by TheTRiM View Post
                      white people in atlanta? obvious fake.
                      El Oh El!

                      I remember as a kid going to Underground and the fucking run through the Serengeti back to the car.


                      • #12
                        wtf i missed it


                        • #13
                          What a dumb hoe. Don't swing at a cop period. How fucking hard is it. Dumb bitchbgot what she deserved
                          99 Mustang Project JSTA2V
                          going from really slow to just alittle slow

                          2013 Focus ST the daily cruising the 4 banger


                          • #14
                            Again, goes back to what I feel is a core problem. No respect when it should be given. You DO NOT hit cops. I've never mouthed off to a cop either - just not in your best interest. Was not "back in the day" and the same still applies.

                            Plead your case if you feel they are being unfair, but past that your limited. Hence the FTP part of life for cops that are or are perceived as being unfair in a situation.
                            Originally posted by MR EDD
                            U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                            • #15
                              Too crowded to use mace. Had to go with the next best option.

