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  • #31
    Originally posted by Mike View Post
    I wonder how Munn feels about Friese right now...
    Munn doesn't have anything to do with friese, but like the rest of the moto world that has seen him ride since he was an amateur rider, I'm sure he thinks he's a douche. Vince has always ridden like an idiot and has been DQ'd several times In his early days.
    Originally posted by soap
    i can fix anything from a broken tractor to an aching pussy!!!


    • #32
      And speaking of Munn. My kid came home from Korea on leave and bought the Munn husky that LaMay rode in SX last year.

      Originally posted by soap
      i can fix anything from a broken tractor to an aching pussy!!!


      • #33
        that is the first time i have ever seen the guy on the right without sunglasses and a black hat. is that the tape or is there a flat spot in the back wheel?

        if i ever make the move over to ktm or husqvarna, i would drive to deal with munn. i have never heard anything negative about that guy or his dealership, as well as witnessed him going way beyond to help people.


        • #34
          It's flat spotted. I have a new rim for it
          Originally posted by soap
          i can fix anything from a broken tractor to an aching pussy!!!


          • #35
            Originally posted by ktm300hater View Post
            Munn doesn't have anything to do with friese, but like the rest of the moto world that has seen him ride since he was an amateur rider, I'm sure he thinks he's a douche. Vince has always ridden like an idiot and has been DQ'd several times In his early days.
            My mistake! For some reason I was thinking Friese was riding for Munn.
            He's a perfect fit for the Motoconcepts team!


            • #36
              if i remember correctly, your son is fast enough so why bother. wait til it is all squared up!


              • #37
                Originally posted by ktm300hater View Post
                And speaking of Munn. My kid came home from Korea on leave and bought the Munn husky that LaMay rode in SX last year.
                That's awesome!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by jammeejamm View Post
                  if i remember correctly, your son is fast enough so why bother. wait til it is all squared up!
                  Ya he rides pretty good. Here's a vid when he was 15 and getting ready to do the AMA AX stuff to get his points for Supercross. He made a few 450 mains before he got hurt in Fresno. Then soon after that I decided to call it quits so he wasn't chasing that stuff anymore and I didn't have to worry about him getting he's been shot at in Afghanistan. Lol

                  Sorry, we couldn’t find that page
                  Originally posted by soap
                  i can fix anything from a broken tractor to an aching pussy!!!

