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  • #16
    let's cruise jason. my shit's down atm b/c i'm putting a new air filter in and plugs ( plugs giving me a hard time b/c old plug crush washers are stuck in the valve cover) but i don't mind toning it down for a simple cruise)

    pm your # or something copper!


    • #17
      I have a flexible magnetic snake that may cure your issue.
      Whos your Daddy?


      • #18
        Originally posted by kingjason View Post
        I have a flexible magnetic snake that may cure your issue.
        That would be much appreciated. Maybe meet up with you sometime this week?

        I'm dragging my feet anyways until my filter comes in


        • #19
          I love the whine the shovels and pans have from the straight cut gears. I don't think i'll ever forget the sound the carb makes when kicking one over. My dads 74 Lowrider is collecting dust in a storage shed, been years since I putted it down the road. The S&S is a super basic and simple carb, no choke, no accelerator pump, just a giant throat, couple jets, and an enrichener.

          Kick starting should be pretty straight forward, set the enrichener, leave the ignition off, kick it through a few times to prime it (no throttle), ignition on and kick it off.

          Procedure is real similar to a yz400f except for no compression release. Kick it through until you come up on compression, raise kicker back up, jump down on it and follow through. Be glad it's not an old Ironhead, those things would slip the kicker gear and take a knee cap out if not careful. My old man could generally kick start his on the first or second kick once primed through the procedure. I've kicked that bitch for 30 minutes without success Lmao, all in knowing your bike.


          • #20
            Originally posted by shumpertdavid View Post
            I love the whine the shovels and pans have from the straight cut gears. I don't think i'll ever forget the sound the carb makes when kicking one over. My dads 74 Lowrider is collecting dust in a storage shed, been years since I putted it down the road. The S&S is a super basic and simple carb, no choke, no accelerator pump, just a giant throat, couple jets, and an enrichener.

            Kick starting should be pretty straight forward, set the enrichener, leave the ignition off, kick it through a few times to prime it (no throttle), ignition on and kick it off.

            Procedure is real similar to a yz400f except for no compression release. Kick it through until you come up on compression, raise kicker back up, jump down on it and follow through. Be glad it's not an old Ironhead, those things would slip the kicker gear and take a knee cap out if not careful. My old man could generally kick start his on the first or second kick once primed through the procedure. I've kicked that bitch for 30 minutes without success Lmao, all in knowing your bike.
            Thanks, I may try that trick over the weekend. I haven't tried to kick it over while warmed up now that I have the electrical straightened out. I use to ride KX500's so you would think I could fire this up not problem.

            I think my last oil leak is between the primary and case. I bet its the seals on the back side in between. Watched a guy pull that whole side off on you tube and replace it in about 40 minutes. That and I need to put some new gaskets in the carb. It's actually leaking around the bowl and up through the bowl screws. Thought I could get to it with out pulling the carb but not a chance. I just turn off the gas when I stop and then turn it back on when I fire it up to leave.
            Whos your Daddy?


            • #21
              $@$#%^%&^*^&(*&(. Last night I ride to my buddies to hang out. About three am I went out and fired it off. Let it idle a minute, then it dies (forgot to turn the gas back on). Well the battery had seen better days so nothing. I tried kicking it for a while and nada damn thing but a back fire. I was glad he had a steep driveway. Pulled the ole enricher, rolled it down his driveway, and boom I was off and running after the third time. I guess it wasn't warmed up as much as I thought. I gotta get me a odyssey for this beast as I hate cheap batteries. It feels as though my ole kicker isn't spinning it all the way thru the kick. Between my old kx500's,yz400s, and 426 bikes you know I can crank a stubborn bike.
              Whos your Daddy?


              • #22
                Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                Thanks, I may try that trick over the weekend. I haven't tried to kick it over while warmed up now that I have the electrical straightened out. I use to ride KX500's so you would think I could fire this up not problem.

                I think my last oil leak is between the primary and case. I bet its the seals on the back side in between. Watched a guy pull that whole side off on you tube and replace it in about 40 minutes. That and I need to put some new gaskets in the carb. It's actually leaking around the bowl and up through the bowl screws. Thought I could get to it with out pulling the carb but not a chance. I just turn off the gas when I stop and then turn it back on when I fire it up to leave.
                If you could kick a 500 2 stroke through, a shovel should be a cake walk lol. It's all in finding what the bike likes as far as prestart procedure.

                If it's only leaving a spot of 2 of oil on the ground I'd leave it be, if it's pissing oil best fix it. When I had my Buell it would leak worse the longer it sat. It was leaking between the cases and the longer it sat the more would drain back from the oil tank. If I rode it daily it would leave a drop or 2, leave it sitting a week and it's leave a 6 inch spot. I just parked it on cardboard when it sat.


                • #23
                  I'd assume that's got electronic ignition, but if not, clean and set the points. They can make kick starting a pain if out of adjustment. Aside from that, when you fix the bowl leak, make sure all the passages are clear, spray carb cleaner through them and blow them out with air. Enricheners work off of the vacuum created by the motor so make sure the throttle doesn't open. If you crack it accidentally then the vacuum drops off and it won't pull fuel through the circuit. Also the pre kicks with the ignition off will help to load the cylinders up or prime the motor.


                  • #24


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                      I pulled the carb today, did a little cleaning and then all new gaskets. It is nice I can leave the fuel on now and no leak. Man that carb is a joke, I like it.

                      A little video.

                      Last edited by kingjason; 06-10-2013, 08:31 PM.
                      Whos your Daddy?


                      • #26
                        I ase that video yesterday doing randomn video search on pb, the s&s is stupid simple lol, giant throat, and a couple jets pretty much.


                        • #27
                          I think I need a new float and needle valve. Came out this morning and it was leaking fuel again.
                          Whos your Daddy?


                          • #28
                            I had my carb on & off & apart several times before it finally straightened up. I still turn the gas off everytime though. (90 Sportster) Bottom end of carb is super easy to work on.
                            My problem was rust in the tank. I did a sealer kit and it seems to have fixed it.


                            • #29
                              Very nice, congrats on keeping his spirit alive and rolling!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by GT Dan View Post
                                Very nice, congrats on keeping his spirit alive and rolling!

                                Dan? Is it really you?
                                "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford

