On my way home from work yesterday I was riding the bike when dude on a 750 gixxer snaked past me, splitting lanes and riding the bumper of the car in front of him. We get to a light and I am actually ahead of him. He splits lanes to get next to me. Get a closer look a the bike and it's flawless. Looks brand new. I tell him it's a nice bike and immediately he says "It's an '08. I want to get a thousand..." I continue admiring the bike and tell him since he's in a hurry he can go ahead. I told him I'd follow. I guess that meant it was a competition because when the light turned green he was gone even though we were 10 cars deep from the intersection. I tried to follow him, but he was going way beyond my limits. As we were going downhill and approaching an intersection he was extremely close to the car in front of him. They slammed on their brakes. Sparks and limbs flailed everywhere. Flow of traffic was around 50mph when this happened. We were both in the left lane and he rolled all the way to the right shoulder. Luckily there was no one behind him or he would've been a grease ball. He caught a lucky bounce and was up on his feet at the end of his travel. Fortunate for him he was wearing good gear.
As we watched the antifreeze leak from the bike and dangling handlebar he started to ponder how much it would cost to fix. The left side did not have a clean part left on it and was wondering if coolant was coming from a crack in the block or radiator. Either way it looked totaled. Person who he was behind was also stopped on the shoulder. I was too far back to see if he'd hit them and he didn't know. I offered to go talk to them but he said he had everything under control.
I was real tempted to try and keep up with him and this is one of those ways where I was reminded not to be a dumbass. Thanks God!
This is exactly what the bike looked like and just as clean:
As we watched the antifreeze leak from the bike and dangling handlebar he started to ponder how much it would cost to fix. The left side did not have a clean part left on it and was wondering if coolant was coming from a crack in the block or radiator. Either way it looked totaled. Person who he was behind was also stopped on the shoulder. I was too far back to see if he'd hit them and he didn't know. I offered to go talk to them but he said he had everything under control.
I was real tempted to try and keep up with him and this is one of those ways where I was reminded not to be a dumbass. Thanks God!

This is exactly what the bike looked like and just as clean: