I wasnt implying anyone to be a thief. I really believe most are probably decent guys. Also I would not be suprised about orderly stops for gas and snacks. I think you know where I was going with that. Really the kids in the stores are basically commiting class C theft unless you wanted to bump it up to ORGANIZED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. ... I bet you could stretch both.
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Roc 2011
Originally posted by kingjason View PostYou guys know I am a pretty dedicated rider right? So I am going to address this, but keep in mind I hardly ever drive a car anywhere.
Let’s start off with the skateboard comment. I can guarantee you 98 percent of police out there could give a damn less about skateboarders skating anywhere as long as they are not bothering anyone or tearing shit up and tagging it. What happens is dispatch gets call after call and then we end up having to take action to make someone (usually a business owner) who is actually paying taxes and making a contribution to society happy. Now we all know there are some people that take this too the extreme, calling every hour on the hour orrrrr hanging out at their business after hours to ambush skaters. If the skaters acted right, and did not graffiti up anything there would have probably never been an issue.
Now let us address some of the big bike rides or just a lot of sport bike riders in general. The same thing applies. I don’t know how many times we have sat out and watched the guys blowing up the highway on the sport bikes. Hell they use to come over to a business complex in our city and do stunts. No one ever said a thing until they started messing with cars going in and out of the complex. The problem with these big rides and stunting events is that you are clogging up a major artery by stopping the highway and acting like ass hats in the middle of rush hour. The mob mentality is no different than the kid’s flash mobbing the stores and stealing. You guys organize, get together in a big gang, and go out knowing you are going to cause problems and several are going to threaten motorists like a bunch of bad asses. Also it may not be 80 percent of the riders out there but the ones that have no license, and their bikes are all jacked up or stolen that concern us. You have the guys that have absolutely no respect for the law out there and have no intention of ever being stopped by the police, even under normal circumstances. Now that is stupid, and people will continue to die because of this. I was picking up some prisoners one night coming back from Plano and had three roll up next to me and start acting like ass hats. Then they would haul ass and slow down, do a wheelie etc., then burn off again to see if I would chase them. This is why you piss off law enforcement as a whole not just the occasional out having fun rides. Unfortunately, thanks to the few, there will come a day when drastic measures will be taken to stop this stuff. It would not be hard to do at all to catch a big group. I am in a smaller city and I can say without a doubt we could shut down miles of the highway and you could not get out. What is truly funny is, if you have a good MC endorsement, your bike is not all jacked up, and you have insurance, what they are going to do but tell you to have a nice day. Now I do not for see this happening because we have never had bunches of calls on this over a period of days but I imagine DPD gets them every single day.
Now this is coming from a guy that has been riding since I was 14 and owned a ton of retarded fast bikes. Hell I have been stopped plenty way before I became law enforcement, plenty as a young adult on sport bikes, never one ticket, but my stuff was straight. Imagine other law enforcement and higher ups in department s that have never been thrown a leg over.
Good post. That's pretty much the way I feel about it. There's always some fucking asshat that screws shit up for the rest of us ( in a million things).
I guess I've never seen such a good illustration of why a group must 'police' themselves or all suffer the consequences.
Still it sucks though that now if I do a wheelie any where, even with no other cars around, I could get busted by a cop. He might have a bad attitude (per above or similar outlaw type actions) , he might charge me with reckless endangerment or some other felony. I might spend 10K dollars or more in defense, It might waste 10 years even attempting to clear up the record (if even possible).
So bottom line is you might be right about the root cause (the few) , but it doesn't make it right to charge a guy doing a wheelie fairly harmlessly such a rediculous crime. Basically isn't doing this with a bunch of people, isn't near other cars, isn't backing up traffic, no one is calling this in as a complaint....
Still you would do it, many cops would arrest them.
You would give chase , possibly endanging way more people.
The ironic thing is people wonder why they run. Isn't it pretty fucking obvious ?
The cops don't just let people go in my experience. Yes occasionally if you're just speeding, whatever. BIG Thanks to all the cops that don't have a thumb up there ass about sportbikes. I appreciate all FREE PASSES!
someone's always gotta enforce the law though....
or we'd all be out there doing wheelies and drugs with our brains oozing out our helmets like scrambled eggs.
That is what they do to your brain.
Originally posted by noshine4mine View Post
damn that guy going the wrong way down the freeway is stupid!
had to laugh at the guy standing there with the mobile phone.
so reminds me off all the idiots you see in cars slowing up tons of traffic all for one guy going 50mph on his phone texting.
Originally posted by JasonRR View PostI don't have any problem with anything you said, actually. And I think you've even got a point about the mob mentality.
It's way different than a flash mob though, as they're stealing and causing harm to others, where we're really just breaking traffic laws. I was actually proud of this group, cause both times we stopped for gas the stations were PACKED with riders going in to pre-pay for gas and get water/snacks. In some groups, that coulda turned into a flash mob and people just walked out with whatever they wanted. No liscense plates on most bikes, a lot of people from out of state, what are they gonna do? I was a tiny bit nervous about it happening, just cause there were SO many people (1500-2k riders, maybe 2,200 people...lots of passengers), but it never did. People waited in huge lines and payed for empty bottles of water. I thought that spoke well of the group.
I rode my DRZ, which is 100% legit. I've had my endorsement for 17yrs and all my bikes are covered by individual policies, and then by a supplementary umbrella policy. That's why I wasn't all that nervous about the road block, cause I wasn't really doing anything wrong. I can say for 100% certainty that the Streetfighterz and Section 518 bikes are definitely not stolen. Stunters have gone away from that, cause so many got busted/burned and it's just not worth it. 636's and F4i's are a dime a dozen anways.
It got a lot more crazy at the road block than you see in that video. I waited for about 2 minutes to see what was going to happen, and those 2 cop cars turned into 6 and there were cops in the road swatting at bikes with batons. I personally saw one throw a road cone. I weaved my way through and clutched-up 2nd gear when they got discouraged and just stopped trying.
For me ROC is about hanging out with 16 of my buddies I never get to see and getting a little crazy. Whether that be on bikes, or going to the bars or throwing dollar bills at strippers like we're Nolan fuckin Ryan. We don't go out there to hurt people and I didn't see anyone provoking any cars, except those that had lights on top of them.
no one's gonna believe this kinda shit could ever happen!
Originally posted by futant View PostGood post. That's pretty much the way I feel about it. There's always some fucking asshat that screws shit up for the rest of us ( in a million things).
I guess I've never seen such a good illustration of why a group must 'police' themselves or all suffer the consequences.
Still it sucks though that now if I do a wheelie any where, even with no other cars around, I could get busted by a cop. He might have a bad attitude (per above or similar outlaw type actions) , he might charge me with reckless endangerment or some other felony. I might spend 10K dollars or more in defense, It might waste 10 years even attempting to clear up the record (if even possible).
So bottom line is you might be right about the root cause (the few) , but it doesn't make it right to charge a guy doing a wheelie fairly harmlessly such a rediculous crime. Basically isn't doing this with a bunch of people, isn't near other cars, isn't backing up traffic, no one is calling this in as a complaint....
Still you would do it, many cops would arrest them.
You would give chase , possibly endanging way more people.
The ironic thing is people wonder why they run. Isn't it pretty fucking obvious ?
The cops don't just let people go in my experience. Yes occasionally if you're just speeding, whatever. BIG Thanks to all the cops that don't have a thumb up there ass about sportbikes. I appreciate all FREE PASSES!
someone's always gotta enforce the law though....
or we'd all be out there doing wheelies and drugs with our brains oozing out our helmets like scrambled eggs.
That is what they do to your brain.1) a fine not to exceed $200;(2) confinement in county jail for not more than 30 days; or(3) both the fine and the confinement.(c) Notwithstanding Section 542.001, this section applies to
1) a private access way or parking area provided for a client or patron by a business, other than a private residential property or the property of a garage or parking lot for which a charge is made for the storing or parking of motor vehicles; and(2) a highway or other public place.(d) Notwithstanding Section 542.004, this section applies to a person, a team, or motor vehicles and other equipment engaged in work on a highway surface.
There is a lot of misconception about what you can or cannot be charged with I guess. You riding a motorcycle in a unique fashion on the highway is not a felony, never has been. It would actually have less of a fine then a lot of standard traffic tickets. Insurance is like 502.00 first conviction up to like 1200.00 if you have had two prior convictions. Not to mention when you guys are in huge groups you act like they could ID the four guys in the group doing the wheelie's. Now I am a bike guy and I could probably reckognize a guy and his bike but it is a lot of paperwork for a class B on one guy riding down the highway and screwing around. Maybe ten percent would file this, as most would just chew your ass and write you for bike infractions, unless they were seeing call after call day after day on you. Now in a big group, that shuts down the highway and has the few asshats in it you could see them using this tool. However when it comes to just pure stupidity and guys acting like asses and painting the highway you will not only see this but a multitude of other laws being used to try and get the few to see the light. Like I said a few guys rolling around, screwing around will hardly ever get attention. The mass rides though shutting down highways and then filming it and glorifying it on youtube is gonna get the hammer dropped. This is when they start dragging out the felony charges. Not to mention it will end up creating new legislation to combat this, making it easier to put a felony on guys. Plus the minute someone decides to run it is an instant felony. Street racing comes to mind as they really modified that law after a couple of deadly wrecks.
Sec. 545.420. RACING ON HIGHWAY. (a) A person may not participate in any manner in1) a race;(2) a vehicle speed competition or contest;(3) a drag race or acceleration contest;(4) a test of physical endurance of the operator of a vehicle; or(5) in connection with a drag race, an exhibition of vehicle speed or acceleration or to make a vehicle speed record.(b) In this section
1) "Drag race" means the operation of
A) two or more vehicles from a point side by side at accelerating speeds in a competitive attempt to outdistance each other; or(B) one or more vehicles over a common selected course, from the same place to the same place, for the purpose of comparing the relative speeds or power of acceleration of the vehicle or vehicles in a specified distance or time.(2) "Race" means the use of one or more vehicles in an attempt to
A) outgain or outdistance another vehicle or prevent another vehicle from passing;(B) arrive at a given destination ahead of another vehicle or vehicles; or(C) test the physical stamina or endurance of an operator over a long-distance driving route.(c) [Blank](d) Except as provided by Subsections (e)-(h), an offense under Subsection (a) is a Class B misdemeanor.(e) An offense under Subsection (a) is a Class A misdemeanor if it is shown on the trial of the offense that
1) the person has previously been convicted one time of an offense under that subsection; or(2) the person, at the time of the offense
A) was operating the vehicle while intoxicated, as defined by Section 49.01, Penal Code; or(B) was in possession of an open container, as defined by Section 49.031, Penal Code.(f) An offense under Subsection (a) is a state jail felony if it is shown on the trial of the offense that the person has previously been convicted two times of an offense under that subsection.(g) An offense under Subsection (a) is a felony of the third degree if it is shown on the trial of the offense that as a result of the offense, an individual suffered bodily injury.(h) An offense under Subsection (a) is a felony of the second degree if it is shown on the trial of the offense that as a result of the offense, an individual suffered serious bodily injury or death.(i) This subsection applies only to a motor vehicle used in the commission of an offense under this section that results in an accident with property damage or personal injury. A peace officer shall require the vehicle to be taken to the nearest licensed vehicle storage facility unless the vehicle is seized as evidence, in which case the vehicle may be taken to a storage facility as designated by the peace officer involved. Notwithstanding Article 18.23, Code of Criminal Procedure, the owner of a motor vehicle that is removed or stored under this subsection is liable for all removal and storage fees incurred and is not entitled to take possession of the vehicle until those fees are paid.
Whos your Daddy?
wow, i guess I'd call that good news actually.
again... I really have no support for the stunter tards that wanna shut down freeways, I just want to ride a wheelie occasionally without the fear of a serious butt fucking in the court system.
So thanks for posting up the details from some one in the know. Your perspective is certainly the one that matters when a dude like me gets busted doing something stupid for fun.
I want no beef with cars ! or the cops either !