car is pretty decently modified. It could be parted for close to his asking price. He is in a pinch. The Procharger and TFS head alone are worth a good amount. Recent motor build and trans (c4 which sucks but it is built)... lots of nice stuff.
Well I told him to get a quote from the dealership in writing. He showed me some other work he had done on previous cars from the dealer. Results and prices were good. He spends a lot of money with them... dumbness just paid $52k on an extended cab xlt with the small EB motor.... stickerd for 42 and had $10k in lift wheels tires, lol.
Car looks really good. The color change was done right...the stack of receipts was INSANE. If I can get it for the $7k and door fixed right for that price I will get it. Address a few small things and it's a 10k car easy. It was the first time I truly saw how much someone takes a beating for money spent on a car.
Ha, yea I noticed it too, it's a steel cowl. Could be tweaked but now you're just splitting hairs. Looks worse in pic but I haven't seen many fit perfect.