Farmer John was going door to door selling peaches. One day, driving his ol FORD beat up, pickem up truck, he comes across the big beautiful mansion with gorgeous white columns and beautiful landscaping. Stopping & grabbing his basket, he walks up to the door and rings the doorbell. A hot young lady answers the door in a black teddy and asks "Can I help you?"...Farmer John replies "uuuuuuuhhhhhh........Yes ma'am, Im going door to door selling these lovely peaches...and was wondering if you would like to buy some." She backs up, pulls one breast out and says..."Are they nice, round and firm as this???" Farmer John says "No ma'am"...and a single tear rolls out one eye... she pulls out the other breast and says.."Are they pretty and pink as this???"...Farmer John backs up and says.."Im sorry...but no ma'am"...and a tear fell out of his other eye. She pulls back her teddy and show him her lovely trimmed crouch and says..."are they as fuzzy as this???" ........Farmer John says "NO THEY ARE NOT MA'AM"..and starts balling his eyes out..."WAIT WAIT WAIT...whats the matter???" says the lady...John replies..."This whole summer was a drought and ALLLL my corn crop is dead....last week a tornado came thru and took ALLLLL my cattle....and now Im fixing to get fucked out of my peaches....."
