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Degree from Tech of lesser value?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Tremor14 View Post
    no yale, or no justin, no care.

    justin will avoid this thread, so we should just call him out on all the BS he ever says.

    It's sad, he actually sounds half way intelligible, albeit ignorant, sometimes. How old would ya'll say he really is? I'm thinking around 25 or 26. Is he the same guy that had the man hand chick that was getting made fun of for a while, or is that another one?
    Why would I avoid this thread? lol Lot of solid advice in this thread, so much so that I'm actually damn glad I posted it.

    I've already said (more than once, and I believe fairly recently) I stopped going to school and went to work. Been a roofing salesman for well over a year now. I did finish up the associates, now I've got to take on the bachelor's degree. When will I get off my lazy ass and go do that? Who knows. Maybe next year. Roofing is treating me well, for now. Maybe when it stops treating me so well, and I get desperate for a new source of income.

    Wanna know why? I've got the actual, proven real case of A.D.D. Not like the idiots who think they do. School sucks real big ballz for me. I can say that getting through the associates was one of the hardest things I've ever done. But I will continue. I will not go to my grave without a college degree. School will really fuck over anyone with a real case of this neurological disease. Sucked at public school too. Never was any good at it, hated it.


    • #77
      Lots of people make it through college with add/adhd just fine. Excuse making is the disease that stops most from finishing.


      • #78
        Remember this thread wasn't started by justin. This was his alter ego Jeff or whoever.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
          Lots of people make it through college with add/adhd just fine. Excuse making is the disease that stops most from finishing.
          "Just fine"? That could be the most idiotic thing I've ever seen you post.

          Way to speak for people with a disease you know nothing about cause you've never had.

          Granted, I did say I'm being lazy. And I will finish. But there ain't no "just fine" about it, no how, no way. Fuck off.


          • #80
            I've been diagnosed with ADD multiple times in my life, it's 100% manageable. It takes giving a shit to work past the distractions, and creating routines and behaviors that allow you to actually complete something. Otherwise, as much as I hate to agree with Ruffdaddy, he's right... You're just making excuses to not finish it, and number one was you yourself said the key killer for ADD people... you're lazy.

            I haven't taken any medication over the last 2-3 years, however I did try several different options over the years, and while it did help me with task oriented things like school work, reading large ammounts, and focusing on stuff I didn't give a shit about, it made me a zombie to the rest of the world. It started impacting my job, I wasn't able to switch gears at any time at work, or take on 10-15 tasks at a time, because I would hyper focus on one thing at a time.

            I'm 3 classes from finishing my MBA (graduate in December)


            • #81
              Originally posted by Silverback View Post
              I've been diagnosed with ADD multiple times in my life, it's 100% manageable. It takes giving a shit to work past the distractions, and creating routines and behaviors that allow you to actually complete something. Otherwise, as much as I hate to agree with Ruffdaddy, he's right... You're just making excuses to not finish it, and number one was you yourself said the key killer for ADD people... you're lazy.

              I haven't taken any medication over the last 2-3 years, however I did try several different options over the years, and while it did help me with task oriented things like school work, reading large ammounts, and focusing on stuff I didn't give a shit about, it made me a zombie to the rest of the world. It started impacting my job, I wasn't able to switch gears at any time at work, or take on 10-15 tasks at a time, because I would hyper focus on one thing at a time.

              I'm 3 classes from finishing my MBA (graduate in December)
              Oh I make no excuses. I fully admit that I've just been lazy. Even that's really just me joking, cause to me actual lazy would be not having a job or doing anything. I work full time. When I go back to school, I will not be working at all. Not even part time. Don't want to, and don't have to. A lot nicer to be able to focus only on school.

              As for the medications, I agree with you that it does make school a lot "easier" to... shall we say operate? Because you really feel like you're operating a machine, rather than going to someplace to be taught, and to learn things. You're just going through the motions, doing what you have to do. Its not pleasant. I get paranoid, cold sweats, nervousness, almost all the side effects. But it will get you through school. You ever looked up the chemical structure of the medicine? Its very similar to cocaine. I hate the medication, but I'll use it.

              Also there is a somewhat newer alternative, if you're interested in hearing about it. But yeah focusing hard on things you don't give a shit about is also an effect that we'd have in common, when on the medication. Its a pretty strange feeling when you realize it, and you stop. But you almost don't want to stop, cause the task isn't fully complete yet. I sat there and sanded every last bit of rust off of all the spare angle iron and steel I have in my pile, which is kind of a lot. A couple hours later I realized that what I was doing was completely pointless and stupid.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
                "Just fine"? That could be the most idiotic thing I've ever seen you post.

                Way to speak for people with a disease you know nothing about cause you've never had.

                Granted, I did say I'm being lazy. And I will finish. But there ain't no "just fine" about it, no how, no way. Fuck off.
                You think youre the only one with add? While i did take some medicine in college it was far from everyday and i got through just fine regardless of any attention disorder. Not only with an engineering degree, but a minor in materials science while working 25-35 hours a week. Oh and then an MS in engineering management while working full time.

                Like i said ADD has nothing to do with you not graduating so drop the excuse and stop acting special.

                Lastly...if you cant work and go to school at the same time, attention isnt your problem...intelligence is.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                  You think youre the only one with add? While i did take some medicine in college it was far from everyday and i got through just fine regardless of any attention disorder. Not only with an engineering degree, but a minor in materials science while working 25-35 hours a week. Oh and then an MS in engineering management while working full time.

                  Like i said ADD has nothing to do with you not graduating so drop the excuse and stop acting special.

                  Lastly...if you cant work and go to school at the same time, attention isnt your problem...intelligence is.

                  You still don't read for shit, do ya? Talking to you is pretty much a complete and utter waste of time.

                  And surprise surprise, you come up with a vague implication that you have the same disease. I'm sure you're just one of those people who foolishly thought/thinks they do, with no medical diagnosis. And add on to that, the fact that in all likelihood you were just another user who popped some meth pills (that's ritalin or adderall) to be able to make it through school. Hit pretty close to the mark? Yeah, I thought so.

                  Now queue you not even understanding this post.
                  Last edited by Gasser64; 07-25-2015, 01:10 AM.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
                    You still don't read for shit, do ya? Talking to you is pretty much a complete and utter waste of time.

                    And surprise surprise, you come up with a vague implication that you have the same disease. I'm sure you're just one of those people who foolishly thought/thinks they do, with no medical diagnosis. And add on to that, the fact that in all likelihood you were just another user who popped some meth pills (that's ritalin or adderall) to be able to make it through school. Hit pretty close to the mark? Yeah, I thought so.

                    Now queue you not even understanding this post.
                    I have also been diagnosed with ADD. I agree 100% with ruff and silverback. The easiest way for me to manage it is to take on several task at the same time. If I fill my attention span with work, I don't dream off about what ever.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
                      You still don't read for shit, do ya? Talking to you is pretty much a complete and utter waste of time.

                      And surprise surprise, you come up with a vague implication that you have the same disease. I'm sure you're just one of those people who foolishly thought/thinks they do, with no medical diagnosis. And add on to that, the fact that in all likelihood you were just another user who popped some meth pills (that's ritalin or adderall) to be able to make it through school. Hit pretty close to the mark? Yeah, I thought so.

                      Now queue you not even understanding this post.
                      Lol dont read for shit? I can read the degrees hanging on my wall which is something you will never be able to say.

                      Youre the one that not. Neither are the other people here thatre telling you it has nothing to do with ADD. Youre still making excuses.

                      You cant have a convo with anyone because you dont listen, and are too stupid to know how stupid you are. You are a textbook case of the dunning-kruger effect.

                      Responding to you has become pointless because you just argue and claim people dont listen. In my world when someone has succeeded at something that i havent but am trying...i listen. You on the other hand get all offended and throw a little bitch fit like a toddler.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                        Responding to you has become pointless because you just argue and claim people dont listen. In my world when someone has succeeded at something that i havent but am trying...i listen. You on the other hand get all offended and throw a little bitch fit like a toddler.
                        Meh. I've seen the same thing from you.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                          Meh. I've seen the same thing from you.
                          I bet you have...


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Craizie View Post
                            I have also been diagnosed with ADD. I agree 100% with ruff and silverback. The easiest way for me to manage it is to take on several task at the same time. If I fill my attention span with work, I don't dream off about what ever.
                            My son was probably diagnosed with ADHD long before you were, and I agree with ruff, silverback and Craizie.

                            Your main problem is probably a lack of physical activity. As long as my son is active like during football season, school goes smoothly. The less time he spends exercising and the more time computing and watching TV the more it becomes an issue. I personally think ADHD is something boys have had for infinity, yet girls do not. Sitting still in a class is easier for girls and hell for boys. How many women vs. men do you know with an ADHD diagnosis? For me it's infinity to zero.

                            My son now lives with me and his stepmother. His grades are improved markedly. Better diet is also key. Diet and exercise and you can get your attention and focus issues under control. Making excuses will get you nothing in life but a lifetime membership as a democrat... for them it's always something or someone else's fault.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Craizie View Post
                              I have also been diagnosed with ADD. I agree 100% with ruff and silverback. The easiest way for me to manage it is to take on several task at the same time. If I fill my attention span with work, I don't dream off about what ever.
                              I also use that technique. But I limit it to 3, usually. It works but it can be mentally draining/tiring, and eventually, exhausting. Also, if you ask your specialist, the types of cases can vary. This fact in and of itself pretty much nullifies FlacidDaddy's argument. Mine is Mike White:

                              For example I don't have it near as bad as my great grandfather had it, but my sister doesn't have it quite as bad as me.

                              Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                              Lol dont read for shit? I can read the degrees hanging on my wall which is something you will never be able to say.

                              Youre the one that failed..blah blah blah...whooshing hot wind noises...
                              Hit a nerve eh? Yeah I figured you were just another user who couldn't do it without it. And don't think no one noticed you're lack of response to my pointing out your vague implications. Where's your prescription, Mr college user? Who was your Dr and when were you diagnosed? And yeah, you don't read for shit. You still don't even know what I'm talking about when I say that, do you? lol. Point proven

                              As for me, you don't know shit about me. I completed only half of the associates degree, then I waited a year and a half, took two classes, then waited another 6 months on top of that before I finished the rest. Now I have the degree. And while everyone knows that degree is only valuable as a stepping stone for another degree, the receipt of the degree isn't my point. My point is, that I take life in stride. Theres more to life than school or some job. I took my sweet ass time with that one, and I'll take my sweet ass time with the next one. And no cacophony from your dumbass will ever change anything. How the hell did I fail at college, idiot. Anyone who ever graduates or will graduate succeeds. I can honestly say that I don't even know any college dropouts. I really don't. Granted I'm from a somewhat small town, but everyone I know has eventually finished up, and so will I.

                              And as for listening to people, you're probably the very last idiot on this site I'd listen to. There are quite a few people on this site I pay very close attention to, all of which are far more successful than you'll ever be. Then there's that other group... guess which one you're in?


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
                                Where's your prescription, Mr college user? Who was your Dr and when were you diagnosed?
                                Do we dare ask for a picture of your prescription?

                                I guess it might not matter anyway, you'd likely get distracted while not posting pics of your dumbbell rack.

