Originally posted by Tremor14
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I've already said (more than once, and I believe fairly recently) I stopped going to school and went to work. Been a roofing salesman for well over a year now. I did finish up the associates, now I've got to take on the bachelor's degree. When will I get off my lazy ass and go do that? Who knows. Maybe next year. Roofing is treating me well, for now. Maybe when it stops treating me so well, and I get desperate for a new source of income.
Wanna know why? I've got the actual, proven real case of A.D.D. Not like the idiots who think they do. School sucks real big ballz for me. I can say that getting through the associates was one of the hardest things I've ever done. But I will continue. I will not go to my grave without a college degree. School will really fuck over anyone with a real case of this neurological disease. Sucked at public school too. Never was any good at it, hated it.