Was 3rd grade that hard? Can ur mom not edit ur posts?
Do you really not know what the "(sic)" inserted in my post which you quoted means, you dumbfuck dewhine? It means the writer, that would be me, intentionally misspelled the preceding word, in this case to ridicule you and your idiotic overuse of the "ur" texting bullshit. I'm assuming here you know what "preceding" means, LOL, which may be a stretch . Thanks regardless for making a complete retard of yourself again, fool.
I guess u didn't read my first post. Before u open u fucking mouth why not read everything. Good luck getting on at the RR. Without a referral u have about .5% chance getting on.
I got offered the job (train crew), without a referral.
Unfortunately the offer was a week late. I still have second thoughts about that to this day.
I worked for BNSF as a conductor and its not all that, you never know when your going to work you have to wait by the phone for them to call you day or night mostly with out much sleep. You have tons of rules you have to remember and if broke they want to fire you and every time your talking on the two way radio its recorded so don't screw up and say the wrong thing or it could be your job. They will watch you with out you knowing to see if your doing your job by the rule book. If your a conductor you know exactly what im talking about. Dont make the job sound like its all that
I worked for BNSF as a conductor and its not all that, you never know when your going to work you have to wait by the phone for them to call you day or night mostly with out much sleep. You have tons of rules you have to remember and if broke they want to fire you and every time your talking on the two way radio its recorded so don't screw up and say the wrong thing or it could be your job. They will watch you with out you knowing to see if your doing your job by the rule book. If your a conductor you know exactly what im talking about. Dont make the job sound like its all that
Doesnt sound any different than being a truck driver. Every job has monitoring and oversite. Its what keeps the monkeys from throwing shit.
I worked for BNSF as a conductor and its not all that, you never know when your going to work you have to wait by the phone for them to call you day or night mostly with out much sleep. You have tons of rules you have to remember and if broke they want to fire you and every time your talking on the two way radio its recorded so don't screw up and say the wrong thing or it could be your job. They will watch you with out you knowing to see if your doing your job by the rule book. If your a conductor you know exactly what im talking about. Dont make the job sound like its all that
Dewayne do you work the yard or are you on the road? How long have you worked for union pacific, because the only guys I knew that made around 90k was the old heads that could hold a certain job. Dont get me wrong you can make good money with great retirement but I dont think your making 100k a year maybe around the 65k mark. Who is your trainmaster for union pacific. Dewayne your probably a nice guy but how your talking to people on here comes off like your better than everybody else.