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Lets get some DFW Mustang advice...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by FATHERFORD View Post
    I'm 26 and currently at a great job at a large company. I bring in before taxes around $150k-$180k a year + 4hours PTO a week and insurance paid. I'm going to get promoted within the next month to an administrative position, which would give an unknown pay raise, and set me up for future promotions. I have a solid reputation and easy going job which lets me work whenever and however I want and I have no fear of ever being laid off. I'm now in the "core" group(500 people out of a company of 7000+).

    Short version:
    I got a sweet gig that pays well and could end up being a major player running the company in 10-15 years.

    I have just been offered by another company to come work contract at $115 an hour with a guarantee to work a minimum of 60 hour weeks + bonus's(estimated at $20-30k every quarter) for the next 2 years+. The work will be hard and brutal, keep your head down and just constantly work. I take the risk of the project going under halfway through, or after the 2 years getting laid off and not being able to find another gig. Basically hanging my ass out taking a risk.

    Short Version:
    It's a crappy hard working, name calling, finger pointing, blaming job that will pay anywhere from $400k-$500k+ a year for the next 2-3 years with the risk of finding a job afterwards.

    So should I stay with the decently paid job and have a solid career, or take a risk and make gobs of money in 2-3 years hoping to find another decent job afterwards.

    I work in the engineering side of Oil and Gas.
    You really need to ask "The King" before you make a move. He has the "Golden Advice" here on this board. Even though he probably still lives with his parents his advice here is "Golden".
    Originally posted by The King
    I would have to disagree...If a man gives another man a blow job and doesn't use his hands, that doesn't make him gay.


    • #17
      Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
      You should hire me to make decissions for you.
      Originally posted by FATHERFORD View Post
      If you stroke my cock now and then you might have a job. :wink1:

      I have softer hands than Keith does.

      Just sayin...

      Oh, and stay - without a doubt.



      • #18

        Balla barg!


        • #19
          Originally posted by dewayne6243 View Post
          You really need to ask "The King" before you make a move. He has the "Golden Advice" here on this board. Even though he probably still lives with his parents his advice here is "Golden".
          Thank you for your endorsement choo-choo boy, however you have some inaccuracies in your post. Don't worry about them too much though, I've seen it before when you're posting while upset.

          O.P., stay with that fine gig you aleady have.


          • #20
            Originally posted by The King View Post
            Thank you for your endorsement choo-choo boy, however you have some inaccuracies in your post. Don't worry about them too much though, I've seen it before when you're posting while upset.

            O.P., stay with that fine gig you aleady have.
            Will do. Thanks for that "Golden Advice" little man. By the way what does "aleady" mean?
            Originally posted by The King
            I would have to disagree...If a man gives another man a blow job and doesn't use his hands, that doesn't make him gay.


            • #21
              It means "Pay The Man"


              • #22
                Originally posted by The King View Post
                It means "Pay The Man"
                Was 3rd grade that hard?
                Originally posted by The King
                I would have to disagree...If a man gives another man a blow job and doesn't use his hands, that doesn't make him gay.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by FATHERFORD View Post
                  If you stroke my cock now and then you might have a job. :wink1:
                  Token Split Tail

                  Originally posted by slow99
         favorite female poster strikes again.
                  Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                  You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by dewayne6243 View Post
                    I'm teh stupied
                    Recent Visitors
                    The last 10 visitor(s) to this page were:
                    02greyGT 03shadow2v 4.6coupe AnthonyS Cobraman David dewayne6243 pr1042 silverhatch TEAMJACOB

                    lol @ choo-choo boy all upset


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Leah View Post
                      Do me second
                      Originally posted by The King
                      I would have to disagree...If a man gives another man a blow job and doesn't use his hands, that doesn't make him gay.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by dewayne6243 View Post
                        Do me second
                        I haven't received your offer.
                        Token Split Tail

                        Originally posted by slow99
               favorite female poster strikes again.
                        Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                        You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Leah View Post
                          And pay me to watch and say, "what a lovely tea party."
                          Originally posted by PGreenCobra
                          I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
                          Originally posted by Trip McNeely
                          Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
                          dont downshift!!
                          Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by FATHERFORD View Post
                            I'm 26 and currently at a great j
                            Short version:
                            I got a sweet gig that pays well and
                            Short Version:
                            It's a crappy hard working, name calling, finger pointing, blaming job that will pay anywhere from $400k-$500k+ a year for the next 2-3 years with the risk of finding a job afterwards.

                            So should I stay with the decently paid job and have a solid career, or take a risk and make gobs of money in 2-3 years hoping to find another decent job afterwards.

                            I work in the engineering side of Oil and Gas.
                            How did u get into that gig?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by 78X View Post
                              How did u get into that gig?
                              A lot of luck, not afraid of doing some ass kissing, and a never say no attitude. My department manager explains that I have a servant work ethic that is a rare quality in this business. I never say no, and will do everything and anything someone needs to make the team successful.

                              I'm currently managing 6 multi billion dollar projects, training and assisting 15 people on the 3d modeling software aspect, along with some additional training and development of the software packages for the company.

                              I just got more information about my future position helping develop another software for the company, pulling me away from doing entirely what I'm doing now. It will look great on the resume, but I personally hate the software it's based off of and think it's trash. It might be one of those things I have to suck it up for 2-3 years to get the job I really want at the company. Still no idea on pay raise....

                              I make good money now, and I understand that. It bugs me though that even my manager will tell me I'm underpaid for the job I do. We got bought out by a very large company about 5 years ago and we are now their main cash cow. They put some strict policies on our company which prevents me from getting the raises I deserve per the industries standards for the work I do. My manager slides retention bonus as much as he can my way, and tries his best to get me 10% raises every year.

                              I'll be honest, I'm still entertain both offers. I'm currently discussing going direct with the other company. Pending on that offer I'll decide to stay or leave.
                              "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

                              -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334


                              • #30
                                I would suggest using the new offer to leverage promotion opportunities in your current company.

