Mine is slowly taking a turn for the worse again. My lawn guy passed away about a month and a half ago and I haven't found a replacement yet. We've been so busy at work, I've not had a chance to maintain it like I need to.
Looking for some advice. I have been working overseas for a while, so now that I am home and working on my own yard I want to get these weeds under control. I think I have just about every weed imaginable. The brown spots were packed full of clover, now the crab grass has taken over. My yard is 1.3 acres and I am not willing to water it (just being realistic). Other than the standard fall fertilizer, is there something else I can do now to help next year?
Pre emergent. It will help prevent the weeds from sprouting. It is still getting hot enough, if you can find some MSMA, hit the crab grass with that to knock it down.