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Filling hole in bricks around A/C lines?

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  • Filling hole in bricks around A/C lines?

    Trying to decide the correct way to tackle this. When the A/C was replaced in this house they did not finish sealing the brick around the A/C lines. Should I fill it with concrete or should I use expandable foam first and just a thin exterior coat of concrete? Any other ideas? There is about a 4 inch space, all the the way around the lines, to fill.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Denny
    I'd stuff it with fire caulking.

    X2. Let the ol' lady see you hold your caulk and shoot it on the wall.


    • #3
      Spray foam is not bad either, can be trimmed and painted as well.
      Originally posted by MR EDD
      U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


      • #4
        I wouldn't caulk a 4" gap. That is excessive. I would mortar it.

        Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
        Originally posted by Leah
        Best balls I've had in my mouth in a while.


        • #5
          Just for a fast and easy way caulk would be it and some backer rods. Cemete caulk. But to each their own


          • #6
            The hand that feeds, bleeds.


            • #7
              Ended up fire blocking the air space behind the brick. Then used a spare brick to make fillers for each side and small pieces around the top of the lines. Filled the areas around each of those pieces with concrete caulk.

