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Home theater subwoofer build

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Goku025 View Post
    Im about to pick up that center channel. I have the p363s for my fronts and really like the way they sound and need to match them with the center.

    Dude those boxes are HUMONGOUS! Dumb question, but how will you wire the subs up? Do you just run a neg and pos inside to the out and then from the out you run a neg and pos to the amp?
    The subs are wired to 2 ohm.. line coming into each sub powers both voice coils on the sub. + input powers both + terminals on the sub, same with negative. The amp has two inputs and two outputs. The inputs are split from the single out on the receiver. Then the amp sends out the signal from input A to output A, B to B.

    Originally posted by Mach1 View Post
    good to 10hz?
    Its tuned to 18.5hz... its drops off pretty good before. According to the graph its about 95-96db at 10hz. Did a youtube based subwoofer test (THX one) and its the first time I have ever seen the house start to rumble but I cant hear anything.

    Originally posted by LS1Goat View Post
    Cool build! Are you going to leave it raw or apply a veneer or paint down the road?
    Still trying to figure that one out... Waiting on some laminate samples to show up to see if they can do a 3/4" radius bend.

    Originally posted by DON SVO View Post
    LOL it looks like you're installing a faux front-load washer/dryer combo!
    The "full marty" sub is 48" tall...people joke around about trying to convince a wife you need a pair of boxes the size of a refrigerator in the living room


    • #17
      Up and running... impressive to say the least. The amp is loud though which is a common complaint. Cant hear it with a movie running. I will replace the fan inside it eventually so it will be quieter.


      • #18

        Time to watch the server room scene in the movie "Pulse" and hold on to your seat.


        • #19
          Originally posted by LS1Goat View Post

          Time to watch the server room scene in the movie "Pulse" and hold on to your seat.

          Ill have to check it out...just finished U571 which was great. Depth charge scenes are awesome.
          Live Free or Die Hard is next...

          List of movies from AVSforum
          The New Master List of BASS in Movies with Frequency Charts Five star Cloverfield(blu-ray) The Haunting(dts) Flight of the Phoenix Hot Fuzz The Incredible Hulk (2008) Live Free or Die Hard(dts) The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the...


          • #20
            Goodness those things are huge lol. Any interest in selling the pb12 you currently have? I have the sb12 in our master and need to replace the subs that died in the living room and don't need quite the setup you just built just yet.


            • #21
              I like how subtle they are

              I bet they sound fantastic. Cool build.


              • #22
                Originally posted by White94Cobra View Post
                Goodness those things are huge lol. Any interest in selling the pb12 you currently have? I have the sb12 in our master and need to replace the subs that died in the living room and don't need quite the setup you just built just yet.
                I have been thinking about it.... Was going to try a near field sub to see if it makes a difference. I'll let you know.
                Originally posted by CWO View Post
                I like how subtle they are

                I bet they sound fantastic. Cool build.
                LOL.. about that. Sound good. Waiting on a microphone to really tune it in and fix some of the smoothness.


                • #23
                  Yeah please do, just send me a PM. Thanks


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
                    I have a cheap set of Infinity Primus speakers. I have 363s for the front and surround and the pc351 for the center. When DIYSoundGroup opens up orders for their 1099 speakers, I will be building 3 of those for the fronts and center. Im not a huge audiophile but enjoy building stuff. Soldering up crossovers and what not sounds like fun.
                    Let me know and ill grab that center from you :P


                    • #25
                      I want them!!


                      • #26
                        Looking to build something similar.. How does the enclosure sound with Music? trying to decide sealed vs ported. Ive never had a ported car sub I liked, even professionally engineered.

                        I have a huge room, so little/no room gain.

                        *Bad ass btw!
                        Last edited by JordonMusser; 09-02-2015, 06:59 AM.

