"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776
May not be the best, but I have this one... I've liked it so far and haven't had any issues. Currently considering picking up a second one to run two with my system...
I have an SVS PB12 (think that is the model..the one right before the 2000) and love it. Check out their outlet section as well. Mine was almost perfect and I got it for $450 with a normal price of $550. I love the fact SVS has the anytime upgrade thing though honestly dont know if I ever will.
HSU is also great. Ever though about DIY? You can build an awesome sub cheap (apparently, I have no experience.). Lots of guys on AVS forums with flat pack sub boxes and a driver from Parts Express.
I have a Outlaw LFM-1 EX sub that rocks it pretty well. Had the amp go out on me after a couple of years, and after a 5 min call they sent me a new amp just requesting that I send the old one back for them to diagnose.
Hell yea, sucker has some juevos for price I paid. Very happy with it. Got it on Tuesday. Shakes the pictures on the wall pretty good. Plays lows pretty well.
Played a few scenes from transformers and Inception and was impressed. Went aheaD and reconfigured rest os speakers.
I even played some Nemesis for the hell of it. Hahaha.