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Need an electrician pretty fast

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  • Need an electrician pretty fast

    So the past couple of weeks my power has been going out intermittently but comes back on after a couple of minutes. It got to the point of being a real nuisance so I called up Oncor and inquired about loss of service so much. Anyway they sent a guy out pretty quick. He pulled the meter to check things out and it turns out the culprit is my meter base. The contacts on my side are pretty corroded so I need to get the whole base replaced sometime soon.

    Even major wiring jobs around my house I usually can handle myself, but this one I'm going to have to pass on because dealing with 2/0 thick wiring and shutting off power at the transformer isn't something I'm used to. I also don't really know what to look for in a meter base if I bought it at Home Depot or wherever to make sure my meter can fit.

    So, any suggestions? very large pic link:
    Last edited by Chuck_Finley; 03-12-2015, 05:29 PM.

  • #2
    It's really not difficult...the main thing is getting the correct size (amperage) meter base. You most likely have a 200 amp meter base...especially if you just have one set of 2/0 wires. You would need to get a permit and an inspection, when you're complete, so you would obviously need to choose when you want to do it wisely. You could easily complete the work in a few hours. Obviously Oncor would need to shut off power, and they likely won't turn it back on without a city inspection/release. If you would rather have an electrician perform the work, below is a guy that can get it done:



    • #3
      I appreciate the recommendation but I managed to get it done myself, finished up this morning in fact. Once I see crap like what my old socket looked like with the corrosion and pitting, I start getting OCD about this stuff possibly causing a fire because I do have some things in the house that draw a lot of current.

      Anyway here's the new socket before Oncor came out to hook the hot wires back up.


      • #4
        Good job.

