My 15 yr old ac just took a dump, meaning fan motor and capacitor plus it has a slow leak. It's a 15 yr old 5 ton unit. I was quoted a price of 3800 for a 13seer 5 ton Trane unit, inside and out.
I cannot go up higher on the seer unit because I ould have to replace the furnace which is only 2 yrs old. Keep it or replace it, what are your thoughts. I am seriously leaning towards replacing it. I don't like surprises and at 15yrs old it's a gamble.
I cannot go up higher on the seer unit because I ould have to replace the furnace which is only 2 yrs old. Keep it or replace it, what are your thoughts. I am seriously leaning towards replacing it. I don't like surprises and at 15yrs old it's a gamble.