"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"
-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
Lmao! Why get a truck that can only carry a couple boards?
You would be amazed how much "a couple boards" weigh.
I still rocked factory springs in the back of my F-150. Along with long bars. Had 6 80lb concrete bags in the back with that pic also. Normally I would pull my trailer(my truck has a hidden hitch) but didn't think it would weigh that much.
I would guess I easily had a little over 1000lbs in the bed with my picture.
Now that I think about it, I had several 4x8 sheets of hardiboard in the back, along with some shingles(I was building a 8x12 shed).. So well over 1000lbs.
That truck was my daily beater and made over 500rwhp on it's race tune.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"
-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
Cars on blocks after wheels and tires stolen from Tyler car dealership
Posted: Apr 20, 2014 3:42 PM CDT
Updated: Apr 20, 2014 6:37 PM CDT
By KLTV Digital Media Staff - email
Missing wheels and rims from Saturday night theftTYLER, TX (KLTV) - Many cars are on blocks at Wagner Cadillac in Tyler, after wheels and tires
"If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford
It wasn't wood, but I'm pretty certain I was overloaded here. It was a pallet and a half of ceramic tile. It was set down HARD on the bump stops. Hind sight I should have had it delivered, but I was being a cheap ass.
Jason... check craigslist...there are a couple "fence supply" companies that post on there. Also check out Resdoor in Haltom City. They have a dimensional lumber business as well as a hardwood business. Let me know what you pay as the fiance and I are about to do the same. We have about 400' to do.
What are you using to dig the holes? Also, check out Secureset. Its a 2 part foam that is used to set fence posts rather than concrete. I compared fast setting concrete vs the foam and think it was about $20 more overall. That beats the hell out of lugging 60lb sacks of concrete and water
Jason... check craigslist...there are a couple "fence supply" companies that post on there. Also check out Resdoor in Haltom City. They have a dimensional lumber business as well as a hardwood business. Let me know what you pay as the fiance and I are about to do the same. We have about 400' to do.
What are you using to dig the holes? Also, check out Secureset. Its a 2 part foam that is used to set fence posts rather than concrete. I compared fast setting concrete vs the foam and think it was about $20 more overall. That beats the hell out of lugging 60lb sacks of concrete and water
"If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford
I didn't even think Home Depot would get close, but sounds like I need to check with them as well.
A fire fighter friend of mine gave me the name of a place out in Bowie called Stice Sawmill....apparently they will let you hand pick their seconds and make a pretty good deal on bulk too.
70' Chevelle RagTop (Forever Under Construction)
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison
Jason... check craigslist...there are a couple "fence supply" companies that post on there. Also check out Resdoor in Haltom City. They have a dimensional lumber business as well as a hardwood business. Let me know what you pay as the fiance and I are about to do the same. We have about 400' to do.
What are you using to dig the holes? Also, check out Secureset. Its a 2 part foam that is used to set fence posts rather than concrete. I compared fast setting concrete vs the foam and think it was about $20 more overall. That beats the hell out of lugging 60lb sacks of concrete and water
Thanks Tim, I'll check them out. We can actually get water to just about all the property line....I put some extra lines in a few years back for the trees we planted out away from the house. However, it just so happens that there is a concrete plant literally about 7 miles from my house, and I've heard that they rent those concrete-to-go trailers with premix...and they apparently have one that is about perfect for doing fence posts. I may go that route since it's all accessible and I can just tow it hole-to-hole....also cheaper buying the concrete in bulk which I hope will offset the rental on the trailer.
I have seen the Secure Set as well, but my buddy who does the off-duty firefighter work advised me to avoid it....he said that he's had a lot of issues with it not holding, especially out this way where we've got a lot of clay. We've got a lot of rock and ground movement out this way as well....something to consider.
For post holes....again, due to the rock out here several of our neighbors have had some issues when it came time to dig those holes. There is an old Dude that works fairly cheap and will come out and drill them all in a day....he has a big ole International with a diamond bit on it, he did all of the holes on my neighbors 2-acre lot in an afternoon and only $425. I'm thinking that is well worth it, and I'm planning to call him out to do mine too.
Here's his info....
Bobby Wallis
Post Hole & T-Post Drilling
(Bell Tec Equipped)
70' Chevelle RagTop (Forever Under Construction)
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison
Thanks for the heads up.. The posts are the worst part. The foam should be fine. I see utility poles held up with it all the time.
We want a crossbuck fence..materials look to be $1500 or so but may end up with wrought iron.
In case you are interested, randy bess, a board member here will do a 4ft flat top wrought iron for $15/ft installed. It's a little over double the cost of materials for a simple wood fence you and I are both planning.
edit/// Any idea how many post holes he had done for $425? My neighbor has a post hole digger for the tractor but Im not sure if it is any good (been sitting a long ass time) and if there is the right size auger bit. I need 30 holes done or so.
Thanks for the heads up.. The posts are the worst part. The foam should be fine. I see utility poles held up with it all the time.
We want a crossbuck fence..materials look to be $1500 or so but at up with wrought iron.
In case you are interested, randy bess, a board member here will do a 4ft flat top wrought iron for $15/ft installed. It's a little over double the cost of materials.
Thats a good price.
I hope the dimensional you buy is better than the straight shit I've been getting for lumber.