Found a cabinet place that had overstock vanities for 35$ a piece so I bought several for the detached garage. We have been wanting to setup the workout equipment in the garage attached to the house for ease of use. Just have so much stuff needed to organize everything. Sadly no before picture of attached garage. Had these awful built in shelves that we tore out and cleaned up.
from this

must empty first!

Stained and polyurethaned sanded ply

Now just have to move the dumbbells, trx setup, treadmill, pilates machine, pullup/dip rack, kettle bell set, and mount a tv and it will almost be finished in that one. Then insulate and drywall the other!
from this

must empty first!

Stained and polyurethaned sanded ply

Now just have to move the dumbbells, trx setup, treadmill, pilates machine, pullup/dip rack, kettle bell set, and mount a tv and it will almost be finished in that one. Then insulate and drywall the other!
