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My remodel thread

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  • #76
    What was the foam cost and how many feet?

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
    2015 F250 Platinum


    • #77
      6" open cell for the roofline was $3760 for what they calculated to be 2400 Sq ft. We put up 4000 Sq ft of roof, and minus the carport and eves and it is more like 3300 Sq ft.
      Walls will be $2k for 1700 Sq ft of wall space at 3.5" open cell. Great company so far and willing to fix anything I find when they come do the walls. They even offered to fix areas if I carve out the foam for more electrical or plumbing.

      Franklin foam did the work. Also, I the foam is closer to 7" average with many areas in with some over 8". Measured it in about 10 places with a piece if stiff wire.


      • #78
        Spray foam was definitely better than the initial idea...


        • #79
          Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
          6" open cell for the roofline was $3760 for what they calculated to be 2400 Sq ft. We put up 4000 Sq ft of roof, and minus the carport and eves and it is more like 3300 Sq ft.
          Walls will be $2k for 1700 Sq ft of wall space at 3.5" open cell. Great company so far and willing to fix anything I find when they come do the walls. They even offered to fix areas if I carve out the foam for more electrical or plumbing.

          Franklin foam did the work. Also, I the foam is closer to 7" average with many areas in with some over 8". Measured it in about 10 places with a piece if stiff wire.

          I'm assuming what they spray is very similar to what we use to manufacture walk in coolers/freezers, just a lower R value. Roughly what is the R value at 3.5"? And at 6"? Just curious. I've always wanted to do this at my house, but I'm not ripping down all the sheetrock I've already done, and I don't necessarily trust drilling holes at the top and doing it that way. I know it will expand and fill, but my issues are more with doing electrical down the road. Besides, this place is about to be a rental, so I'm definitely not going to eat the expense.
          Originally posted by BradM
          But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
          Originally posted by Leah
          In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


          • #80
            Open-cell foams are permeable to moisture and impermeable to air(half pound foam)
            R-value per inch: about 3.6
            Cost: about $0.44 to $0.65 per board foot

            Closed-cell foams stop air and moisture(two pound foam)
            R-value per inch: about 6.5
            Cost: about $0.70 to $1 per board foot


            • #81
              Originally posted by bcoop View Post
              I'm assuming what they spray is very similar to what we use to manufacture walk in coolers/freezers, just a lower R value. Roughly what is the R value at 3.5"? And at 6"? Just curious. I've always wanted to do this at my house, but I'm not ripping down all the sheetrock I've already done, and I don't necessarily trust drilling holes at the top and doing it that way. I know it will expand and fill, but my issues are more with doing electrical down the road. Besides, this place is about to be a rental, so I'm definitely not going to eat the expense.

              You might take a look at attic foil it lowered my attic temp by 24 degrees F

              AtticFoil radiant barrier supply sells foil insulation for blocking heat in hot and cold climates.


              • #82
                attic foil is just radiant barrier you can find all over the internet. While it works, it does not do anything near what foam can/will do. They key to foam is the air sealing abilities.


                • #83
                  Updates...finally. Almost ready for drywall. The foamers were out yesterday and did all the exterior walls. My dad and I got the last 2 windows installed while they were setting up. Before and afters:

                  This window doubled in size

                  Same size window. There will be a computer desk below it.

                  No more garage doors...Making way for a new laundry/bathroom/bedroom


                  After...Doubled the windows and added the center 72"x72" window

                  Previous kitchen..

                  Becoming dining room. Windows doubled in height.


                  • #84
                    Previous dining with fireplace:

                    No more fireplace...soon to be cabinets/stove/venthood

                    Living room

                    After...much more windows

                    Living looking back at the old kitchen (new dining room)


                    Old patio now office:


                    Hall bedroom



                    • #85
                      Hall bath before:


                      Old bedroom becoming bathroom...The window in this picture is in the photo below on the far left.

                      Added a new window...and a wall on the left.

                      Master Bedroom. Started out as 12x12 and now is 16x12

                      Little bit bigger window for the master

                      Closed up a window


                      • #86
                        Old bedroom turned bathroom and closet

                        For those who care.... I have $20065.94 in planned expenses so far. I have an additional $6618.73 in unplanned expenses. The unplanned expenses includes all additional tools I have purchased. The biggest expense is the roof which was unplanned.
                        Last edited by 8mpg; 10-23-2013, 09:26 AM.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by 8mpg View Post

                          For those who care.... I have $20065.94 in planned expenses so far. I have an additional $6618.73 in unplanned expenses. The unplanned expenses includes all additional tools I have purchased. The biggest expense is the roof which was unplanned.
                          House is coming together very nicely!
                          Just out of curosity...are you in the remodeling business or how did you learn about all of this?


                          • #88
                            The place is coming along very well! Can't believe the changes since I saw it.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by stangin4lyfe View Post
                              House is coming together very nicely!
                              Just out of curosity...are you in the remodeling business or how did you learn about all of this?
                              Youtube/Google....honestly. I have no construction experience. Im a person who will sit and research all day long when I want to know something. Most of this stuff is very easy to be honest. Im pretty mechanically inclined so that helps. When you enjoy doing it, learning comes easy.

                              Originally posted by Special K View Post
                              The place is coming along very well! Can't believe the changes since I saw it.
                              Kristen... it is slowly coming along. When it looks more like a house (and the a/c is working) we will have you and Wade come out.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
                                Youtube/Google....honestly. I have no construction experience. Im a person who will sit and research all day long when I want to know something. Most of this stuff is very easy to be honest. Im pretty mechanically inclined so that helps. When you enjoy doing it, learning comes easy.
                                I'm the exact same way and have the same approach.
                                I just remodeled our home as well and have learned a lot from your thread, so thank you very much for taking the time to post all this.

