Lookin' good, man! How's your wife's patience holding up?
Actually she is doing better than me..Im the one getting impatient. This is roughly 3 months longer than I was hoping but 2 of the 3 months was because I decided to work more at work. So we are 1 month behind on work.
Looking VERY nice, Tim! Have anyone lined up to do those counter tops?
Id be more than happy for a quote... I got a family friend that has a great price. Rough measurements:
Island 4' x 7'
Long side of perimeter: 16'
Sink side of perimeter: 7'6"
All sides would be 1.5" overhang. Looking at 3cm carrara honed marble. One sink cutout (farmhouse sink) and 1 rough cut for cooktop. Im looking for simple eased edges
Wish I really had more to show Corey but things are slow at the house. Right at a year and its not done. Been working 75 hours a week...just getting in on the overtime and bonus money while I can. Here are some phone photos...got some doors up, shower pan put in, 90% of the lights in and the french door in. Need the kitchen which is getting some changes (cosmetic more or less).