I just bought a house last week, but due to working so much I've only been able to stay there 2 nights. I'll barely be home during the month of April, but I'd like to have a game plan to use my time wisely to fix things, paint, weed, etc.. This got lengthy in a hurry, so thanks for all of the help in advance. For any contributors and anyone in the area, I'll put something together once I'm settled in and provide burgers/brats/fajitas/whatever.
The basics:
Located in the county
1 ac.
25xx sq. ft. (1.5 story)
Built 2003
Well water
Aerobic septic
Mostly brick veneer

I know a lot of this is google-worthy, but I figured I'd check in here first to get some first-hand knowledge of what works in this region as far as soil, minerals, vegetation, etc.. The rest, I'm tapping the collective all-knowing brain trust of DFWM.
* The water is very soft, and leaves your hands feeling like you still have soap on them after all the soap is gone. Anyone have a good recommendation?
* Yard looks like shit and is spotted with weeds. I'll upload close-up pics tomorrow. Is it too late for pre-emergent this year? Just go with spot-killing?

* Under the kitchen sink there is water damage. The back left corner of the "flooring" under the sink has pulled away from the divider wall that makes up the bar and divides from the living area. Do I just rip a new piece and replace the whole "floor?" I'm thinking it's probably necessary to pull the drywall in that corner and inspect.

* In the master shower there is one spot low on the side wall where there is caulking where some slate was possibly broken off or the grout broke off. There are also 2 screws that I'm assuming held something to the wall, and were then re-inserted when the p.o.'s moved out. They don't look rusted out, but I have no reason to believe that they were installed or sealed with any kind of care. Do I just re-caulk and hope for the best on these areas? Pull the stone to inspect?

* There is water damage to 2 window sills in the front of the house. The inspector said it's from misaligned sprinkler heads in the flower beds. Both window sills will be replaced. Anything else to look for or any preventative measures to be taken on the outside/inside of the home?
*The ceiling in the master has cracks where the drywall meets. The inspector said this was due to doing all the finishing work at once and not letting it dry up properly, therefore it cracks from the heat cycling in the attic. Should I try to take the texture down some and then tape and float the seams? Is there a more expensive compound that will work better?

* The garage door to the back yard has some damage on the trim/frame. This should be an easy fix, no? It was from the dogs, and then dry rot. No termites present.

The door from the utility room into the garage is brand new, but is about 3/4" too narrow for the frame. Do I shim it out, have someone fix the whole frame?
The basics:
Located in the county
1 ac.
25xx sq. ft. (1.5 story)
Built 2003
Well water
Aerobic septic
Mostly brick veneer

I know a lot of this is google-worthy, but I figured I'd check in here first to get some first-hand knowledge of what works in this region as far as soil, minerals, vegetation, etc.. The rest, I'm tapping the collective all-knowing brain trust of DFWM.
* The water is very soft, and leaves your hands feeling like you still have soap on them after all the soap is gone. Anyone have a good recommendation?
* Yard looks like shit and is spotted with weeds. I'll upload close-up pics tomorrow. Is it too late for pre-emergent this year? Just go with spot-killing?

* Under the kitchen sink there is water damage. The back left corner of the "flooring" under the sink has pulled away from the divider wall that makes up the bar and divides from the living area. Do I just rip a new piece and replace the whole "floor?" I'm thinking it's probably necessary to pull the drywall in that corner and inspect.

* In the master shower there is one spot low on the side wall where there is caulking where some slate was possibly broken off or the grout broke off. There are also 2 screws that I'm assuming held something to the wall, and were then re-inserted when the p.o.'s moved out. They don't look rusted out, but I have no reason to believe that they were installed or sealed with any kind of care. Do I just re-caulk and hope for the best on these areas? Pull the stone to inspect?

* There is water damage to 2 window sills in the front of the house. The inspector said it's from misaligned sprinkler heads in the flower beds. Both window sills will be replaced. Anything else to look for or any preventative measures to be taken on the outside/inside of the home?
*The ceiling in the master has cracks where the drywall meets. The inspector said this was due to doing all the finishing work at once and not letting it dry up properly, therefore it cracks from the heat cycling in the attic. Should I try to take the texture down some and then tape and float the seams? Is there a more expensive compound that will work better?

* The garage door to the back yard has some damage on the trim/frame. This should be an easy fix, no? It was from the dogs, and then dry rot. No termites present.

The door from the utility room into the garage is brand new, but is about 3/4" too narrow for the frame. Do I shim it out, have someone fix the whole frame?