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bathroom remodel

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  • bathroom remodel

    Getting some new floor and wall tile installed over the next few days. Our master bath is oddly shaped being long and narrow with the single shower at one end and the garden tub at the other. Going with a 12"x24" tile in a brick pattern on the floor and 1"x1" glass tile on the garden tub wall. The black crap on the back wall is from where the giant mirror was attached. That was a lot of mirror and it showed every angle of anyone in there. It was awesome watching myself take a crap. It was the first thing we did when we moved in.

    I demoed everything the other day. I'm having the tile guy come out tomorrow to finish removing the existing tile and get started on the rest of it. Here are a few pics of what we have so far.

    As you can see, I didn't get very far trying to remove the existing floor tile. I was planning on doing it myself, but yeah, fuck a bunch of that.

    More pics as we go. Thanks for looking.
    Last edited by CWO; 03-05-2013, 08:06 AM.

  • #2
    I had 900 feet of tile torn up recently (to put down wood), and it's pretty violent, not to mention all the dust. Be aware that on older houses, there can be asbestos in the mastic.


    • #3
      Thanks for the warning, but the house was built in '08. Yeah, no thanks on 900sqft. This is somewhere in the 40sqft range and I'm still out.


      • #4
        While it does suck, get a rotory hammer and it is much better


        • #5
          Originally posted by CWO View Post
          It was awesome watching myself take a crap. It was the first thing we did when we moved in.
          That's an odd first thing to do in a new house.


          • #6
            You need to go to home depot and get a big tile scraper. Shit makes it alot easier. You can use your body weight and get better leverage.

            i would go with a heavier duty one than the scraper in the pic.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Cannon88 View Post
              That's an odd first thing to do in a new house.
              Should have elaborated. Removing the mirror was the first "upgrade" we did to the house.


              • #8
                Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                You need to go to home depot and get a big tile scraper. Shit makes it alot easier. You can use your body weight and get better leverage.

                i would go with a heavier duty one than the scraper in the pic.
                ...or I could just have someone else do it


                • #9
                  lazy sumbitch


                  • #10
                    pulling up tile sucks


                    • #11
                      I could do 40ft just to work out some frustrations with a hand sledge, but beyond that, it's work.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
                        pulling up tile sucks
                        The road to hell is paved in tile.


                        • #13
                          it took the tile guy about 4 hours to get up the 45sqft of tile and float the floor. No fucking thank you.


                          • #14
                            lol... money well spent


                            • #15
                              I couldn't agree more. He is a super nice guy, and I can't help but to feel a little bad. After the first hour of chipping and hammering with his hammer drill he came out covered in sweat and his face bloody, "It's going to take me a little longer than I thought." To which I responded, "Your face is bleeding.". Him: "Yeah, that happens more than you think."

                              Um fuck that.

                              I mean I've spent more than my fair share of time in Texas attics in the middle of August, and I can tell you that there is a reason people hire professionals to do this shit. I have a ton of respect for guys like him.

                              the float

