hire some high school kids(or illegals if you are that kind of guy) and order a moving pod. that way you dont have to pay much for movers and all your stuff will be locked up and safe
...he is a friend of the family and I know he does move stuff further distances - just not sure about 700 miles. (Heard of 300ish..etc) The other problem is depending on how much stuff you have, he may not have enough trucks.
However, he is really worth calling and at least talking to about it. Besides being a friend of our family, he does really good work. I hired him last year to move me from Plano to Van Alstyne - friends or not, we'd not stand for sloppy work and I did not have to say 1 thing to him. I lie, he almost forgot my smoker in the back yard cause he was so focused on everything else.
Originally posted by MR EDD
U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.