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what can i do about this?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by A+ View Post
    Well, i called the city. they said its most likely my problem and now that i brought it up, they're gonna send someone out to take a look at it and if it doesn't get fixed, i get fined. I don't see how this is my problem when their pipe is running through it and its the reason my driveway is screwed up.
    Break pipe- then its their problem


    • #62
      Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
      They had to make the top concrete slab even with the piece of wood on the bottom piece. I don't like the different brush strokes either.
      Yeah, that's what kept my praise low. It's all at a loss for builder, but the brush strokes stuck out to me too.
      Originally posted by MR EDD
      U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


      • #63
        you could after its sets, dig out the other side and as mentioned just throw some concrete your self to fill the gap.


        • #64
          i would epoxy those gaps between the wood and concrete to keep from the subgrade fail more then what it is


          • #65
            I think they said someone was going to come over to remove those wooden pieces. Hopefully they notice what a piss poor job the guys did and maybe they'll take all the rebar they left behind.


            • #66
              Originally posted by lincolnboy View Post
              i would epoxy those gaps between the wood and concrete to keep from the subgrade fail more then what it is
              What would you do to prevent water from running under it from the other 60' of possibly entry points?


              • #67
                I was thinking about getting some quikrete to shove in every nook and cranny


                • #68
                  Originally posted by mikec View Post
                  What would you do to prevent water from running under it from the other 60' of possibly entry points?
                  it'll be a less costly to help control water from getting under it


                  • #69
                    Hot damn were they still drunk?


                    • #70
                      Man, I hope someone comes out to look at it and...........I exposed the pipe.


                      • #71
                        is that the sewage cleanout pipe in the drive


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by lincolnboy View Post
                          is that the sewage cleanout pipe in the drive


                          • #73
                            thats an odd place for it to be, what sucks is now that the drive is poured. you have to raise the pipe to match the concrete.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by lincolnboy View Post
                              thats an odd place for it to be, what sucks is now that the drive is poured. you have to raise the pipe to match the concrete.
                              It was raised but they still covered it. I uncovered it doesn't look too bad now. Well, the builder's rep came by and I told him about the gap after they poured the sand. Unless he's full of shit (which I assume he is) he said he oredered 2k lbs.of sand to be dumped and that he and another guy shoveled sand in that gap . He said it took them almost 3 hours so I guess they did that shit when I was asleep or at work,if he's telling the truth. Either way, he said if I have anymore problems with the concrete to give him a call. We'll see.....
                              This is the after pic and a pic of the little piece piece they hooked me up with.


