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Transition from bermuda to st. augustine

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  • Transition from bermuda to st. augustine

    I have lived in my house now for 10 years and for the majority of those years, I was a yard freak watering, fert, mowing, pulling weeds, etc. I had that real tall thick bermuda yard and it looked great. However, last year some things came up and I let my yard go all year without really doing much of anything. Some of my sprinkler head tips came off, so I had a few geysers and was too busy to fix, so I didnt water much

    needless to say this spring i have been working hard to get it back in good shape. I have spread and sprayed (hose attachment kind) for weed killer about 3-4 times now. In one of the weed killers was a scotts turf builder as well. I have also put down a bag of ironite as well.

    id say 90% of the weeds are gone now, but has left my yard looking pretty thin and bare as there wasnt much grass left.

    Iv always wanted st. augustine in the yard because my backyard has this and I like it better. So I thought now is as good a time as any. But rather than kill entire yard, i bought about 20 pieces of sod from Lowes and put them throughout the front yard. I didnt dig down, but just weed eat the heck out of the ground until it was bare, wet it real good and placed these sod pieces inside the square I created. Since then (about 2 weeks ago) i have been watering like crazy. None of them have died, but a few have some brown spots. My front yard gets sun almost 90% of the day and never seems to do as well as the backyard with more shade.

    So heres my questions.

    1. how long will it take for these sod pieces to start to crab hold and root and start spreading out those arms? I realize i wont have an entire front yard of st. augustine without resodding the entire yard, but id like for these sods to at least start to do something.

    2. since i will have a mix of bermuda/st. augustine for at least this year, im guessing i need to get a generic feed for the yard. But what about weed killer? is there something i can put down that wont kill both types of grass? I notice alot of the bags say for bermuda or st. augustine only.

    3. my yard really needs to be aerated. i water like crazy, and soil is soft, but after about 3 mins of watering, i see puddles and roll off. so im going to rent one this weekend, will that make a big difference?