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Needed an edger, wound up with this

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  • #16
    Add a "Hands will get chopped" warning label by the blade.


    • #17
      Originally posted by bcoop View Post
      What sound? You mean because they were two stroke?
      Well, as a kid, I wouldn't even know what two stroke or four stroke meant. I just knew the sound of Grandpa's mower was special to me and it was different from other mowers. He took immaculate care of his lawn and great care of his lawn equipment. Watching and helping him makes me care for my lawn the same way. Even though he's gone, I still try to do things that would make him proud. It's just one of those sentimental things I guess.


      • #18
        Originally posted by saleen781 View Post
        call american pickers and sell it to them, then go buy a nice echo. Someone will pay bucks for that old lawnboy.

        this x2



        • #19
          I have an electric timer you can borrow if need be.

          Edit: it's a blade edger much like yours.


          • #20
            Originally posted by 95DRGT View Post

            I have a Echo and it works like a champ- nothing better on a freshly cut lawn- crisp clean cut edges. A weedeater is just not the same
            Shiiit, I can get down with my weedeater. I've never used an edger to edge. When I was a kid my dad taught me to use the weedeater and now that's the way I prefer to do it.
            Vortex rear stand $75
            8.8 410s. $50

            **SKAGG NASTY**
            My goal in life is to not arrive at the grave in a well preserved body.
            but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "holy shit!!!.. what a ride!"

            1990 Foxbody GT for that ass
            11 4 door
            13 FX2 White 5.0


            • #21
              Originally posted by Txstang1 View Post
              Shiiit, I can get down with my weedeater. I've never used an edger to edge. When I was a kid my dad taught me to use the weedeater and now that's the way I prefer to do it.
              same here...I don't see why people would want another yard machine when a weed eater can do the same thing...let some string out, flip it over and go to town.


              • #22
                Mysterious Craigs List phantom $50 edger explained?

                Turns out a member of "My Tractor Forums" owns that edger and it is still in his garage. If you right click on that photo, you will see under properties "My Tractor Forum" where it was stolen from.

                "Lucy, you've got some 'Splainin' to do!"

                This is slightly out of date, but still a very useable list of mower parts dealers selling used, new-old-stock, reproduction and salvaged parts for older mowers:


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Collins View Post
                  Turns out a member of "My Tractor Forums" owns that edger and it is still in his garage. If you right click on that photo, you will see under properties "My Tractor Forum" where it was stolen from.

                  "Lucy, you've got some 'Splainin' to do!"

                  You don't have to be lonely at

                  That forum is hard to navigate from my phone. What's up with this Randy?
                  He hasn't posted anything in a long time. Probably won't hear anything from him.


                  • #24
                    Probably just a photo he stole to show what he got....If I'm too lazy to take a picture I do the same.
                    Originally posted by MR EDD
                    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by collins View Post
                      turns out a member of "my tractor forums" owns that edger and it is still in his garage. If you right click on that photo, you will see under properties "my tractor forum" where it was stolen from.

                      "lucy, you've got some 'splainin' to do!"

                      Off with Randy's head!!!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Tyrone Biggums View Post
                        I wouldn't use it either. I can't believe the guy got rid of it. My grandpa always had Lawn-Boy walk behind's and I really liked them because they were different from everything you were used to seeing and the engine had a very distinct sound that I thought was cool as hell. I would love to be able to hear that sound again.

                        Now somebody please post a vid of that sound playing


                        • #27
                          LOL! Hey, he has great taste and a future in fantasy book writing. Or politics.
                          Last edited by Collins; 02-24-2015, 07:34 PM.


                          • #28
                            Watch out guys, the tractor guy is a nazi.



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Collins View Post
                              Turns out a member of "My Tractor Forums" owns that edger and it is still in his garage. If you right click on that photo, you will see under properties "My Tractor Forum" where it was stolen from.

                              "Lucy, you've got some 'Splainin' to do!"

                              Unbelievable. An old thread is brought back to life because of this? Open another window, go to Google, search images for "lawnboy 1015 edger." The third image that comes up is this one, and it's a better image than the first two. You don't have to open the page that it's on to get a link to the image. Insert below and you're done. Just because someone posts a picture from the internet doesn't mean someone stole anything. I don't have a picture of my car on my phone or my computer, so if someone wanted to see what it looked like, I'd go to the web and post a picture I found.

                              So now, newb, post terts of your wife, gf, legal age daughter, or significant other in the NSFW forum or GTFO and go back to your own forum. This is a place where we eat our young and anyone else making stupid posts like this one.


                              • #30
                                Hardcore noob first order of business, call out an elder and kill em!
                                Putting warheads on foreheads since 2004

                                Pro-Touring Build

