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lawn care

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  • lawn care

    my lawn looks/feels like hell. More weeds than anything else.

    What is the process for getting it back into reasonable shape? I dont want to cut/resod because of cost.

    I have read up a bit about it, but it seems it is VERY region dependent.

    of course a few of the bigger lawn companies "guaranteed" me a nice lawn if I gave them big $$$ and 365 days.

  • #2
    I know it's been covered in various places but not at once. I'd be interested in feedback too. Before I had to worry about materials for like .10 acres of grass - now I have around 1.5 acres of stuff to treat for and would like some local input on what works as well if anyone can provide some input.

    Guess I need to buy a spreader for my tractor at least and a aerator. Anyway, I don't think a simple application of weed/feed and fertilizer is going to be enough at this new place.

    Summary: X2 to the OP
    Originally posted by MR EDD
    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


    • #3
      I too am seeing what appears to be one of the worst years I have seen for weeds. The Henbit has just taken over. It would be a simple matter to Roundup the lot but I know I will kill my Bermuda grass even though its hibernating still. I have an acre lot fully sodded and irrigated and maybe as much as 1/3 is covered with this crap.

      Hose end sprayer soultions are inaffective while the temps are still cool. I think they work best when temps are in the 70's. In the higher temps weeds tend to absorb more thru the surfaces of their leaves. Spraying in the cooler weather is wasting money.

      I picked up some granular selective weed killer that has Henbit listed. It is the type that requires weeds to be wet and the product particles stick to the leaves. Was going to try a test spot but I think trying to kill weeds during the cool season is like pissing up a wet rope.
      Last edited by miketyler; 02-05-2012, 09:39 AM.
      Handyman, classic car and antique jukebox collector/restorer, and all around good guy.



      • #4
        For henbit, just mow it and then apply Gallery next September to keep it from coming up next year.


        • #5
          Surely there is something I can do now....
          Handyman, classic car and antique jukebox collector/restorer, and all around good guy.



          • #6
            Yeah, mow it. What you cut won't come back this year.


            • #7
              Tommy Tatum Lawn Care

              TOMMY on the Canadian board.
              Last edited by Leah; Yesterday at 10:18 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by bard View Post
                Yeah, mow it. What you cut won't come back this year.
                do what? yes i can read , but wont come back if you mow it? hows that


                • #9
                  Weak and short lived. Mow what is there now and apply pre-emerg for next year.


                  • #10
                    Mow it as low as your mower will allow. Make sure and bag the clippings, do not leave them in the yard. Then come back and aeirate it really well. Then use a spray weed and feed. Use this after the aeiration, then again in 30 days. After 45 days come back with Scotts max green fertilizer and water it 2-3 times a week making sure the ground stays damp. This is exactly what I did and here are my results.

                    Yea ignore the dead spot around the tree. Guess the wind was blowing a little when i was spraying the flower bed with weed and grass killer.

                    It may not turn out perfect this time around, but do this same procedure again next year and you will have a great lawn for much less then what other companies charge.

