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What fertilizer to put out this time of year?

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  • What fertilizer to put out this time of year?

    What fertlizer should i put out this time of year?

    Is there a winter grass i can seed or sod in my backyard so there wont be dirt till spring?

  • #2
    Ryegrass or fescue if sodded/seeded now?


    • #3
      Sperry says...

      Question: I want to overseed my lawn for winter green grass. What should I use?

      Answer: Perennial rye is the best choice for Texas. It isn't truly perennial here due to our intense summer heat. It generally dies away by mid- to late May. Its seed costs more than annual rye, but it more than makes up for it in improved germination and much finer texture (better appearance and much less frequent mowing). Plant the seed at the rate of 8 to 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet in mid-September. Sow half going east-to-west, overlapping with the rest going north-to-south. Have someone hold a large piece of cardboard along bed edgings to prevent the seed going where it won't be wanted. Water daily for the first week to help it get established and growing. Some people even drop their mower blades down by one notch before sowing their rye seeds to improve soil contact and germination. Fertilize the rye in late fall and again in late winter to boost it along.

      For fertilizer he would recommend his brand. I prefer Garden-Ville natural fertilizer. Won't burn or rust concrete even at 2x the recommended rate.


      • #4
        I'm not a lawn pro, but I would go with just a regular fertilizer like Scott's Turf Builder Winterguard or even the Turf Builder Starter Fertilizer which would be better as it has the needed phosphorous for new seedlings. Just remember, if you use any fertilizer with weed control in it you will have to wait about 4 weeks before you should spread any grass seed. Rye grass is a good choice, IMO, but if you aren't able to water it then it won't matter what you kind of grass seed you use.


        • #5
          Scotts winterguard (red bag) is for all grass.


          • #6
            and if you wait too much longer it will no longer be good for seed germination period, until we get a good week of warm temps, which could be tomorrow, but the sooner you get the seed down the better, if you are going to over seed put down a starter fert with it, (no weed control), 12-24-14, 18-24-12, something along those lines, the perennial rye is what i use on the golf course, it is allittle more difficult to get rid of in the spring if you want to re seed with bermucda or something, if sodding it really wont matter, the annual rye grows like a weed and needs mowing constantly to keep it looking nice

