They did a great job. That's what I do . We do masonry . Houses, landscaping,outdoor kitchen & fireplaces. Anything masonry
Where the hell were you last year this time? I would much rather had given my scratch to a board member. I may be wanting some more work done in the next year.
Very nice project!!!- looks like you spent some serious coin. I would take it a few steps further (easy for me to say since I'm not footing the bill)
1. Small dwarf shrubs in bed around perimeter of patio to break line up of yard to patio (also keep grass of patio when mowing or weedeating)
2. An accent tree (like Jap Maple on corners to soften edges)
3. ditch Malibu lights and go with some low voltage in ground professional lighting with a few accents
4. A few choice rocks (small boulders in bed on patio against house)