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Coy ponds...more trouble than they are worth?

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  • Coy ponds...more trouble than they are worth?

    just something I had been thinking about during my back yard transformation. Any experience with one? Do they have to be shaded?

  • #2
    We have one, and Im not a fan.

    I mean if you like mosquitoes, and cleaning the damn thing out all the time, I guess its ok


    • #3
      Originally posted by Buzzo View Post
      We have one, and Im not a fan.

      I mean if you like mosquitoes, and cleaning the damn thing out all the time, I guess its ok
      Sounds like you need a bigger pump, if you don't have enough water movement they will flock to your pond! Years ago I used to build all kinds of waterfalls and coy ponds.
      Wanna see my care face???


      • #4
        Koi, or coy?


        • #5
          its KOI

          Depends on if you want to maintain it... I helped my brother build a 2500 gallon and he ended up putting South American Cichlids in it and they thrived. This was in Austin where doesn't get as cold. In DFW you would need to heat some in the colder winter months.

          He feeds them all (Koi and Cichlids) dry dog food and its pretty cool to watch the feeding frenzy at dinner time.

          If it has too much sun you have to watch out for algae blooms and if shaded then have to deal with all the tree leaves in the fall- either way you'll spend a bunch of time and money to do it right.


          • #6
            coy koi, shit who cares, anyone with any sense knows what he meant


            • #7
              Piss on that.

