Originally posted by StanleyTweedle
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Suit over national day or prayer dimissed...
Not really necessary to "play off" anything. I think I learned about stupidest from my third grade teacher telling me it wasn't a word. One day, one fine day, you'll learn that people will often take the liberty of a poetic license... if you will. I wonder how many people you've failed to insult by foolishly insinuating that they "ZOMG... THAT GUY JUST MISPELLED A WORD!! OH THE HORROR!!" Or "Oh noes! Not a word that isn't really real!!" When in reality you just look like a fool to them because they knew exactly what they were doing.
Git yo ass outa here with that shit.
That was like kryptonite to you wasn't it? Oh wait, Kryptonite is a fictional material! Aw crap. Now you're going to point that out too aren't you?
The flaw with evolution and a strictly scientific view of the universe and how we came into being is that it requires faith, which is why I'll never understand atheists. I have nothing against them, merely view them the same way I view 3rd graders who haven't learned the alphabet yet.
There's been some good arguments though, I'll give it that. I'm happy the idiot who brought this suit was shot down. To believe that an invisible being created everything is no more silly than believing that everything was a fluke of numbers and man singularly developed the level of intelligence that we have out of a random roll of the dice.I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool
Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostThe flaw with evolution and a strictly scientific view of the universe and how we came into being is that it requires faith, which is why I'll never understand atheists. I have nothing against them, merely view them the same way I view 3rd graders who haven't learned the alphabet yet.
There's been some good arguments though, I'll give it that. I'm happy the idiot who brought this suit was shot down. To believe that an invisible being created everything is no more silly than believing that everything was a fluke of numbers and man singularly developed the level of intelligence that we have out of a random roll of the dice.
noun \ˈfāth\
plural faiths \ˈfāths, sometimes ˈfāthz\
Definition of FAITH
a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions
a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust
Evolution and the scientific view of the universe both require proof in order to be true.
I think the difference is there is physical evidence that supports these scientific figures/theories, and it isn't just "faith." I'm not really sure where I stand on this issue yet, but I don't talk down to any group just because they are part of that group. Except for Mormons (if they piss me off) and Scientologists of course
Yeah, take a lesson from JKD, Stanley. The backpedal is less than glamorous, especially in the name of "poetic license". Lol
I find a very specific humor in people insulting my intelligence (or should I say "inteligence") while using words that don't exist.
I don't backpedal. If I'm wrong, so be it. If there is no faith involved in the 'scientific' view of things, then where did the matter come from that began things and how did humans develop the unique combination of attributes that allow intelligence and a dominance of the world when there are definite gaps in the evolution theory?I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool
Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostI don't backpedal. If I'm wrong, so be it. If there is no faith involved in the 'scientific' view of things, then where did the matter come from that began things and how did humans develop the unique combination of attributes that allow intelligence and a dominance of the world when there are definite gaps in the evolution theory?
The theory of evolution doesn't address or is it intended to address the origination of matter. A lot of people confuse that. Evolution is a natural, observable, and testable occurrence.
Originally posted by exlude View PostThe theory of evolution doesn't address or is it intended to address the origination of matter. A lot of people confuse that. Evolution is a natural, observable, and testable occurrence.I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool
Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostMicro evolution is, Maco is not.
Namely in plants, bacteria, and insects. Nothing in mammals that we have found yet, which tends to be the crutch that creationists hold on to. Unfortunately, we have not been studying it long enough to see macro evolution in mammals. But if you look at organisms with the much faster reproduction rates, we absolutely, 100% see it in nature.
Not only that, but the only logical result of microevolution is macroevolution.
But I'm just a third grader who hasn't learned the alphabet, I don't have a BS in Biology or anything.
Originally posted by racrguy View PostI'm just going to leave this here. And it's going to be my last post in this thread.
noun \ˈfāth\
plural faiths \ˈfāths, sometimes ˈfāthz\
Definition of FAITH
a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions
a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust
Evolution and the scientific view of the universe both require proof in order to be true.
Originally posted by exlude View PostYeah, take a lesson from JKD, Stanley. The backpedal is less than glamorous, especially in the name of "poetic license". Lol
I find a very specific humor in people insulting my intelligence (or should I say "inteligence") while using words that don't exist.
Even if they don't mention it, people can see through that, just fyi. (crap I don't think I was supposed to create a new paragraph right there) I mean I know that there are plenty of people here that you could easily make fun of for this stuff, and you'd actually be right cause they don't know it. But its just extremely petty and makes you seem like some kind of wannabe brainy know it all. But let me guess, this is still just some attempt to "backpedal" by me right? Man. I'm kinda glad I don't really know you in real life cause I'd probably have to avoid you a lot on sheer principle.