This year, congress will spend $3.7 trillion dollars, or about 10 billion per day. If we taxed every citizen earning at least $250,000 per year at 100% (yes, take all of their earnings), it would yield the treasury $1.4 trillion, or about 141 days worth of spending. Confiscating all corporate profits, about $400 billion worth, would get us another 40 days. This gets us to the end of June. No problem, we can just confiscate all of the wealth of the super rich (that’s right; take all of their money and wealth in one fell swoop). Forbes magazine estimates that there are about 400 billionaires in the US, worth a combined $1.3 trillion. This would get us to mid-August or so. Of course, you can now start pillaging the middle class and poor to cover the final three months, but what do you do in the next year and the years after that?
This year, congress will spend $3.7 trillion dollars, or about 10 billion per day. If we taxed every citizen earning at least $250,000 per year at 100% (yes, take all of their earnings), it would yield the treasury $1.4 trillion, or about 141 days worth of spending. Confiscating all corporate profits, about $400 billion worth, would get us another 40 days. This gets us to the end of June. No problem, we can just confiscate all of the wealth of the super rich (that’s right; take all of their money and wealth in one fell swoop). Forbes magazine estimates that there are about 400 billionaires in the US, worth a combined $1.3 trillion. This would get us to mid-August or so. Of course, you can now start pillaging the middle class and poor to cover the final three months, but what do you do in the next year and the years after that?