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Anyone listening to the speech?

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  • #46
    SS really pisses me off!
    "You don't so much drive it, more like poke it with a sharp stick and channel the fury when you piss it off."

    FFL & LTC Instructor
    Factory Five MK4 Cobra
    Build thread-


    • #47
      The day is coming that the house of cards will fall. I'm with Bronco - Fuck the Poor. There are way too many "poor" people these days feeding off the rest of us. It's time to cut off the under-performers.

      I can't believe that we as a country got along just fine without entitlement programs for over 200 years, and now these entitlement programs are going to kill us because of leaches. Fuck them all. I don't mind helping out someone to get back on their feet - to stay on their feet, but I really hate our Government enabling these lazy ass's to continue to sing their sad broken song.

      When people that work can't afford to live and enjoy life anymore shit is going to get real.

      So we should just quit working. Quit contributing to the tax base, quit contributing to the system. The system will run out of money and fail. Chaoes will ensue and eventually we will have ourselves a new Government. The bottom feeders will get eliminated in the cross-fire, and real American's can build a new nation. Want to make a drastic change? It's going to require some drastic action on us, because our elected officials just don't give a shit about us.

      The Government needs to privatize as many services as possible. Government meaning local/State/and Federal. Our educational system is fucked, our transportation infrastructure is fucked, the social security system is fucked, and I could go on. Every single program ran by the Government is Fucked Up Beyond all Repair. Privatize the shit, and the companies that run the programs have to make a profit to stay in's the American way. No more bailouts, no more helping the healthy that refuse to work. No more bridges to no-where.


      • #48
        The funny thing is, SS was initially sold as a volunteer pay in system
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • #49
          Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
          The funny thing is, SS was initially sold as a volunteer pay in system
          And the average life-span was 60 years old. It was never meant to provide people 90 years old with an income.


          • #50
            Precisely. Government creations are never temporary or voluntary
            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #51
              Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
              Hypocritical bastard.. He is running up debt like a mofo and he says WE need to be responsible. ASSHOLE

              son of a bitch is smiling about only being able to pay for the interest and healthcare in 2025.
              I read an article yesterday that even Biden fell asleep during the ramblings of the POTUS
              Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


              • #52
                I can't watch his speeches cause I can see through him like he's not even there.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                  Yep fuck everyone that is to fing lazy to work, or better thier position in the food chain. No more assistance for have children either at any level. If you choose to reproduce then by damn you should be able to afford it. At this point there are enough people in this world sucking up resources so why promote child birth at all.
                  That's a silly solution. It's not the children's fault their parents are morons.

                  Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
                  I say tax the lower class...
                  How exactly is taxing people who don't have any money going to solve anything? By the same "logic" that reducing taxes on the wealthy creates a "trickle down" effect and puts more money in the pockets of the middle and lower class?
                  Originally posted by StanleyTweedle
                  Yep, [Obama] is a racist food stamp president. He's much more racist than any white person I've met. He hates the jews and all the various whites.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Durantula View Post
                    That's a silly solution. It's not the children's fault their parents are morons.
                    So it's mine? Ya, put me in the "fuck them" bandwagon.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
                      Thats one of the first times that I have agreed with what you have posted. Whether that is good or bad is debatable!

                      Yet everyone making a payment doesn't solve the problem, which is a government out of control. If we all send in above and beyond what we already pay in taxes, and get it under control, how long until we're right back in the same shoes?

                      Personally, I would prefer running the entire lot out and starting from scratch. Scrap all the entitlement programs and let the rats learn the hard way.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by mikec View Post
                        Yet everyone making a payment doesn't solve the problem, which is a government out of control. If we all send in above and beyond what we already pay in taxes, and get it under control, how long until we're right back in the same shoes?

                        Personally, I would prefer running the entire lot out and starting from scratch. Scrap all the entitlement programs and let the rats learn the hard way.
                        either way the tax payers are going to have to pay for it, either we pay it off at one time or over the next 20 years. the longer we take to pay it off, the more we risk running it up even higher, we may need credit in the future due to some unforeseen circumstances. the faster we pay it off, the stronger the dollar gets, that means gas and food prices would come down.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Cannonball996 View Post
                          either way the tax payers are going to have to pay for it, either we pay it off at one time or over the next 20 years. the longer we take to pay it off, the more we risk running it up even higher, we may need credit in the future due to some unforeseen circumstances. the faster we pay it off, the stronger the dollar gets, that means gas and food prices would come down.
                          Or we just let them default. It has nothing to do with me. I uphold all of my obligations and didn't ask for any of this. Piss on them and the government.

                          I'm going sovereign.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Cannonball996 View Post
                            either way the tax payers are going to have to pay for it, either we pay it off at one time or over the next 20 years. the longer we take to pay it off, the more we risk running it up even higher, we may need credit in the future due to some unforeseen circumstances. the faster we pay it off, the stronger the dollar gets, that means gas and food prices would come down.
                            It'll never be paid off. Never.

                            Why? Because if you give the politicians more money, they will waste the extra money on pork, and then will want even more money for the necessities. If we were all taxed at %100 that still would not be enough money for the politicians.

                            That is why i'm against any tax increase. Fix the spending side; do not increase taxes any more. And i think that many in the U.S. are starting to feel the same way.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by mikeb View Post
                              And i think that many in the U.S. are starting to feel the same way.
                              Most likely because a bulk of the US population is having to do the same thing. Live within a damn budget and they are seeing....

                              1. It is not that bad of a lifestyle
                              2. It's not that hard to do
                              3. All the politicians are doing is negating 2 with more taxes. If they just did budgeted properly...

                              However, the loser vote is still too important to the politicians right now. I say loser vote since it is not JUST blacks, mexicans...etc that mooch.

                              Where we at with border security these days?
                              Originally posted by MR EDD
                              U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Durantula View Post
                                That's a silly solution. It's not the children's fault their parents are morons.

                                How exactly is taxing people who don't have any money going to solve anything? By the same "logic" that reducing taxes on the wealthy creates a "trickle down" effect and puts more money in the pockets of the middle and lower class?
                                Them paying 5% taxes beats the hell out of me paying 30%. As of right now, only HALF of Americans even pay taxes. Take that other half and make then pay 3-5%...hell 8%. If they can suck the tit and take and take, they need to find a way to pay back. Im talking about taxing people that MAKE MONEY. Its their fucking problem to find a job that pays better, to make something of themselves, to provide for their families.

                                I grew up in a middle income family where my parents did something for themselves. When my dad got out of the military after 6 years, him and my mom moved to Colorado with 2 bags of clothes and some saved military money. They slept on their clothes with no heat. Now they live in a $500k house and own a business. My dad worked in a steel foundry and got into aviation and worked in planes for 25 years. This is how you do shit. Make something of yourself and dont suck the tit of America's government.

                                I dont understand how you dont understand how taxing the wealthy hurts our economy. Maybe I can explain it very simply.

                                My parents business has 1 employee. They pay a crapload of business tax and they work 7 days a week with their 1 employee. If their taxes go up, they will let the employee go and work a couple extra hours every single day. They cannot afford to keep paying people if they keep losing money to the government. Now if you lower their taxes, they would work less and let the employee work more, thus stimulating the economy and providing job security. If you dont understand that, you are doomed. Business isnt going to hire people if they are digging into their profits. This isnt a charity. This brings me to this video...

