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Politics presides over history and brains

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  • Politics presides over history and brains

    Seriously, Obama hates Texas and anything related to...This is both sad and pathetic.
    Florida and DC I can understand, even Cali since they had their part in landing and building such spacecraft, but NEW YORK??! Seriously, Houston is the hub of NASA. They should have been #2 on the list. This is horse shit.

    Houston, we have a problem: Space City snubbed in bid to land retired shuttle

    by Kevin Reece / KHOU 11 News

    Posted on April 12, 2011 at 5:55 PM

    HOUSTON – Houston, we have a problem.

    NASA Administrator Charles Bolden on Tuesday announced that Space Center Houston will not receive a retired space shuttle. The orbiters will instead be housed in Florida, California, Washington, D.C., and New York City.

    Specifically, the space shuttle Atlantis will retire to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

    Endeavour will be housed at the California Science Center, just outside of Los Angeles.

    Discovery, as previously promised, will go to the Smithsonian Institute.

    The prototype Enterprise, which is currently housed at the Smithsonian, will be moved to the Intrepid Museum in New York City.

    Bolden made the announcement from the Kennedy Space Center, during a ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of the first space shuttle flight and the 50th anniversary of man’s first journey into space.

    Locally, another crowd had gathered in front of Space Center Houston’s shuttle mockup to hear the news. When they did, some of them burst into tears.

    "I just, I get very emotional about this place, because I’ve been here since we opened," Space Center Houston employee Angela Case said.

    "I don’t understand why politics had to be a part of it, and it hurts," Space Center Houston visitor Diane Brenner said.

    Houston Mayor Annise Parker issued a statement in the moments after the announcement was made, saying she was disappointed about the decision.

    "This is certainly disappointing, but not entirely unexpected as the Administration has been hinting that Houston would not be a winner in this political competition. I am disappointed for Houston, the JSC family and the survivors of the Columbia and Challenger missions who paid the ultimate price for the advancement of space exploration. There was no other city with our history of human space flight or more deserving of a retiring orbiter. It is unfortunate that political calculations have prevailed in the final decision," Parker said.

    She wasn’t the first city official to express concern that politics would play a role in the placement of the orbiters.

    Monday night, Houston City Council Member Mike Sullivan said he wasn’t sure that Houston – considered by many to be an obvious choice to house a shuttle – would be selected.

    "I think politics will get in the way," said Sullivan. "This is an election year coming up, and I hate to say it, but I’m afraid that the shuttles are going to go somewhere else."

    Many legislative and business leaders, including Bob Mitchell of the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership, were calling for a Congressional investigation into why Houston wasn’t chosen.

    "Politics should never play a part in a decision about a piece of American history. Today, I’m afraid, politics trumped common sense," Mitchell said.

    Rep. Pete Olson said the decision "smacked of a political gesture," and Sen. John Cornyn said it was "clear that political favors trumped common sense and fairness."

    The families of the victims of the Columbia and Challenger disasters released a joint statement Tuesday afternoon, saying they were heartbroken by the decision.

    "Home is where the heart is, and Houston has served as the heart of the space shuttle program since its inception nearly four decades ago," the families said.

    "All the astronauts lost were Houston’s residents. We, again, share a collective loss as a result of the political decision to send the space shuttle elsewhere. We had prayed that the incredible sacrifices this community has endured would have allowed the shuttles’ legacy to continue here. "

    The families added that despite the setback, they will continue to support space exploration, just as they have in the past.

    In all, 21 museums and centers – including Space Center Houston and facilities in Dayton, Ohio, Seattle and Chicago—fought to land one of the shuttles.

    "We want to thank all of the locations that expressed an interest in one of these national treasures," Bolden said. "This was a very difficult decision, but one that was made with the American public in mind. In the end, these choices provide the greatest number of people with the best opportunity to share in the history and accomplishments of NASA’s remarkable Space Shuttle Program. These facilities we’ve chosen have a noteworthy legacy of preserving space artifacts and providing outstanding access to U.S. and international visitors."

    Some of the facilities that were not chosen to house the shuttles, including the Johnson Space Center, were promised shuttle program artifacts.

    But many of those artifacts – including three flight simulators—are currently at the JSC, and they’ll be leaving for other locations.

    The JSC will be able to keep the flight deck pilot and commander seats, though.

    "You know, the Johnson Space Center and this community have taken a number of punches to the stomach over the last two years during this current administration. Today, we got another one," Mitchell said.

    Only two shuttle missions remain, both to the international space station.

    Endeavour is due to blast off April 29, and Atlantis on June 28.

  • #2
    saw that earlier.....fucking horseshit.


    • #3
      Fuck him!! Fuuuuuuuuuuck him!!!


      • #4
        He didn't carry Texas, and he is notorious for being a vindictive douchebag.


        • #5
          Shitty. I understand this country less and less every day.


          • #6
            He is going to weed out everyone that isn't willing to take one for the team.


            • #7
              It belongs in a museum! [/indianajones]

              Uh, seriously though. JSC, where mission control has been since U.S. Space exploration began, and in particular where our astronauts lived, trained, and worked, is the rightful heir of a retired shuttle. Nevermind Houston, or Texas; it SHOULD go to JSC. Same as KSC.

              The Smithsonian I completely understand. Fuck California. They can go get a retired Soyuz capsule, or something else equivalently in line with their political ideologies. And Obama can go re-enact Apollo 1.
              Men have become the tools of their tools.
              -Henry David Thoreau


              • #8
                You're either with him or against him... I still cant believe this jackass is our president...


                • #9
                  At least ol jimmy carter the 2nd is a one term president. Watch and see.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
                    At least ol jimmy carter the 2nd is a one term president. Watch and see.
                    We can only hope. Ideally we'll have someone else to vote for that's worth voting for instead of "Anybody but BHO"


                    • #11
                      Completely bogus. My Parents live in Nassua Bay directly across the street from JSC. Over the last two years they have seen so many job losses at Nasa secondary to budget cut's at Nasa. Their neighbors on either side of them were shuttle astronauts, one of them was the commander on the shuttle launch May 2008 and will be one the first Astronauts onboard with the Russians. This was a huge blow to their area.


                      • #12
                        Yep, I'm pissed now...
                        "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

                        -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334


                        • #13
                          He had no chance in hell of carrying Texas in the General election or the Primaries. Florida, California, and New York are all up for grabs.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                            We can only hope. Ideally we'll have someone else to vote for that's worth voting for instead of "Anybody but BHO"
                            Like Hillary?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MOSFET View Post
                              The Smithsonian I completely understand. Fuck California. They can go get a retired Soyuz capsule, or something else equivalently in line with their political ideologies. And Obama can go re-enact Apollo 1.
                              lmao. perfect.

