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GE’s $0 tax bill

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  • #16


    • #17
      Hopefully this will start a legitimate pro-fair/flat tax movement.
      How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


      • #18
        Originally posted by Geor! View Post
        Hopefully this will start a legitimate pro-fair/flat tax movement.
        I think Obama will spawn a lot of corrective moments that are the total opposite of what he believes. The dems won't be able to say much either.


        • #19
          this is a failure of congress, they control taxation, and for years we have heard individual politicians on the right and on the left call for closing the tax loop holes. but so far neither side has actually put for and legitimate legislation to close the loop holes.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
            I think Obama will spawn a lot of corrective moments that are the total opposite of what he believes. The dems won't be able to say much either.
            Call me an optimist but I've always thought that. It seems that the left often screws itself with backlash from its own actions.

            Originally posted by Cannonball996 View Post
            this is a failure of congress, they control taxation, and for years we have heard individual politicians on the right and on the left call for closing the tax loop holes. but so far neither side has actually put for and legitimate legislation to close the loop holes.
            They're politicians. They know where their bread and butter comes from. If I'm GE or Ford motor company and you close a big tax loophole for me... eh, I just don't think I've got enough money for a campaign contribution this year. Good luck, though. With everyone else you screwed...


            • #21
              Because Obama is in bed with GE


              • #22
                Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
                Call me an optimist but I've always thought that. It seems that the left often screws itself with backlash from its own actions.

                They're politicians. They know where their bread and butter comes from. If I'm GE or Ford motor company and you close a big tax loophole for me... eh, I just don't think I've got enough money for a campaign contribution this year. Good luck, though. With everyone else you screwed...
                The problem with republicans, though, is their failure to run with political momentum. Bunch of pussies.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by DOHCTR View Post
                  At this time, the economy sucks and taxes are rising. Businesses are emphasizing tax evasion more and more to stick it to the administration, and are writing things off that they have never before felt the need to.

                  Basically if you raise taxes, the people who pay the most are going to work their hardest to avoid them. My dad this year has made an effort to write off every tiny thing possible to lower his tax bill as a result of tax increases. Hell, the IRS got less from us in the last two years than they ever have.I might also add that our tax bill this year was also zero. Take that Obama.
                  Avoidance, not evasion, evasion is illegal.

                  This is nothing new. Multi-nationals report losses in places like America and gains with offices in places like the Caymans that don't charge any corporate tax.

                  People want to punish theese "greedy" corporations, but the problem is the people doing the punishing work for the gov't and the businesses hire the best and brightest minds in the world to work on their behalf.

                  Guess who wins?
                  US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Geor! View Post
                    Hopefully this will start a legitimate pro-fair/flat tax movement.
                    You don't have to wait for the gov't. How much do you make, 50, 60, 70, 80k???

                    You can help offset the percentages paid by the wealthy, no need to wait on the gov't. Take another 10% of your income and give it to the wealthiest person you know, bam you're taking the first step! .

                    Originally posted by Cannonball996 View Post
                    this is a failure of congress, they control taxation, and for years we have heard individual politicians on the right and on the left call for closing the tax loop holes. but so far neither side has actually put for and legitimate legislation to close the loop holes.
                    LAWL - A) big business funds campaigns, don't expect many to bite the hand that feeds B) if you're smart enough to graduate top of your class from Wharton or HBS you're not going to fuck around making dick writing legislation when you could rule the god damn world in a financial sense

                    Maybe I'm just dumb, but I don't see Congressman willingly fucking themselves or outsmarting the best of the best - hell, at that point the company might just cease operations in America all together. There are about 2 billion people coming into the "modern" world now and they're going to need goods and services too.

                    Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                    The problem with republicans, though, is their failure to run with political momentum. Bunch of pussies.
                    At the end of the day, we're ALL pussies, myself included.

                    None of us will do shit, not you, not me, not the next guy, no one. Voting doesn't do shit, protesting doesn't do shit. Everyone is too worried about their job, their mortgage, their sports team, or what's on tv.

                    We just bitch about it like a bunch of faggots on the internet, but none of us does ANYTHING of any consequence.

                    Until we ALL are willing to rise up, to spill our blood, shit is going to get worse, and it's going to take a real ass-fucking of a situation before we all come together to force a change.
                    US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer

