Obama is playing hardball. He has said that the emergency measures to pay troops (house passed a $12B bill to pay troops) would be vetoed.
He really is a sorry bucket of homeless shit.
That is one of the most pathetic things I have ever heard. Holding military pay hostage in the event of a shutdown is even worse than Dems deciding not to pass budget resolution for the first time in over 35 years so they can spend billions freely, then turning around and blaming everyone else for not wanting to continue spending.
My company has me working on a government project right now. If the shutdown happens, we keep working. However, our work will be highly curtailed due to the lack of communication with the government employees that are furloughed.
But we will keep billing 100% of our contract. The deadlines will likely be pushed back due to the shutdown slowing us down.
So, the shutdown will end up costing the government a few million bucks more on this one contract...
Now just think of how many contracts are out there in the same boat.
I do not see how a shut down will save the government any money, contracts will still have to be paid, the work load will continue to pile up, and government workers will have to put in overtime to catch up. the last shut down actually cost the government 400 million dollars.
Obama is playing hardball. He has said that the emergency measures to pay troops (house passed a $12B bill to pay troops) would be vetoed.
He really is a sorry bucket of homeless shit.
This has already started. My brother-in-law is deployed to Afghanistan and his wife my sister said she just looked at his statement and he was only paid for one weeks pay instead of two. They have been told that until this is resolved there will be no more pay.
He has also been waiting for a plane ride to Kuwait for a week now for R&R. I was supposed to pick him up at DFW this morning but he is still in Afghanistan
I do not see how a shut down will save the government any money, contracts will still have to be paid, the work load will continue to pile up, and government workers will have to put in overtime to catch up. the last shut down actually cost the government 400 million dollars.
I honestly don't care if it saved a dime at this point.
The free-for-all spending habits of our Federal government has to stop.
If I have to have a realistic and balanced budget, the dolts up on the hill need one too... as they are using OUR money.
I blame both sides of the isle for this.... so as far as I'm concerned, stop the merry-go-round until the folks up on the hill can get their shit together... Its way past time....
Originally posted by Woods Racing TransmissionView Post
This has already started. My brother-in-law is deployed to Afghanistan and his wife my sister said she just looked at his statement and he was only paid for one weeks pay instead of two. They have been told that until this is resolved there will be no more pay.
He has also been waiting for a plane ride to Kuwait for a week now for R&R. I was supposed to pick him up at DFW this morning but he is still in Afghanistan
It's been taking awhile lately to fob hop, it took me a week to get to Kuwait and I'm in Iraq. On the way back it took 5 days to go from base in Iraq back up to mine. Just waiting onflights.
Republicans tried to pass a bill that would fund the military for the next year but the Dems and Obama shot it down
It had a rider that cut funding for planned parent-hood, basically the republicans are trying to cut funding for abortions which I agree with but I don't think they should have compromised the CR and pay for our troops. They could have defunded in a later bill.