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Senate bill bans smoking in Texas bars and restaurants

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  • #76
    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
    Or judgemental pieces of shit.
    what about felons that don't pay their surcharges?


    • #77
      Originally posted by bcoop View Post
      What tears? I don't mind walking outside to smoke. It's not a big deal to me. You're missing the entire argument. No surprise there, this forum has never been short on dumbasses.
      You seem awfully adamant about this cause considering you don't mind and it's not a big deal.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Venom View Post
        what about felons that don't pay their surcharges?
        Couldn't tell you anything about that.
        Originally posted by BradM
        But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
        Originally posted by Leah
        In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


        • #79
          Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
          Perfect. Then go to those places and leave the other bars alone, idiot.
          It would be a very long drive home from a bar in California or Cleveland.

          I stated that I prefer to go to a non-smoking bar, but will go to a smoking bar too. I'm not the one leading the crusade to ban smoking, even though it benefits me. Go have a couple of cigarettes and calm down.


          • #80
            Originally posted by dustin View Post
            You seem awfully adamant about this cause considering you don't mind and it's not a big deal.

            I, me, personally, don't mind going outside to smoke. I really don't. I still go out in Dallas, even though you can't smoke in bars. I still go out in Ft Worth, even though you can't smoke in bars. And as I said, I'm even in the process of quitting myself.

            The principle is what I care about here. The whole idea that the govt is here to protect us from ourselves is what I have a problem with. Govt telling Billy Bar Owner what he can and can't allow (within the confines of the law) in his bar is what I have a problem with. And the govt taking yet another freedom, is what I have a problem with. Because where does it stop? Where do you draw the line? What will YOU lose before you decide you've had enough?

            I mean, what if they outlaw farting in public? Shitting in airplane lavatories? Yes, it all sounds ridiculous. It's supposed to. That's my whole point.
            Originally posted by BradM
            But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
            Originally posted by Leah
            In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


            • #81
              Originally posted by dustin View Post
              Texas State Law I guess.
              lol, well played.


              • #82
                Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                The principle is what I care about here. The whole idea that the govt is here to protect us from ourselves is what I have a problem with. Govt telling Billy Bar Owner what he can and can't allow (within the confines of the law) in his bar is what I have a problem with. And the govt taking yet another freedom, is what I have a problem with. Because where does it stop? Where do you draw the line? What will YOU lose before you decide you've had enough?
                This isn't a case of the government arbitrarily taking away freedoms. It's a case of the government doing their job and proposing legislation based on the will of the people they serve. If there weren't a whole bunch of citizens asking for this, it wouldn't be in the works - and if there were more people who supported smoking in bars, it would never pass.


                The latest from Gov. Rick Perry's preferred polling firm, Baselice & Associates, shows that 70 percent of Texans support a ban on indoor smoking, including in restaurants and bars.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by clevelandkid View Post
                  This isn't a case of the government arbitrarily taking away freedoms. It's a case of the government doing their job and proposing legislation based on the will of the people they serve. If there weren't a whole bunch of citizens asking for this, it wouldn't be in the works - and if there were more people who supported smoking in bars, it would never pass.

                  Bars is all smokers have left. For the major metro areas, it's gone in restaurants. FW and Dallas, it's gone in pool halls, bowling alleys, bars, restaurants, and strip clubs for crying out loud. You're no longer allowed to smoke in the workplace. Or airport. Or hospitals, etc. Bars and home (I don't smoke in my house btw) are all we have left. It's a fucking BAR for crying out loud.

                  I seriously doubt there are people campaigning to get rid of smoking in bars. This is some bullshit agenda by an out of touch blue haired democrat in Houston. I'd even go so far as to bet the old crotchety fuck hasn't stepped foot in a bar in the last decade. But by golly, he's got an agenda! Can't let those precious tax dollars go to waste. He's got to look like he's busy doing something!

                  This IS about the govt. arbitrarily taking away freedoms. As well as the Govt sticking their fucking nose in private industry. Both of which, they do far too much of.
                  Originally posted by BradM
                  But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                  Originally posted by Leah
                  In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by clevelandkid View Post
                    The latest from Gov. Rick Perry's preferred polling firm, Baselice & Associates, shows that 70 percent of Texans support a ban on indoor smoking, including in restaurants and bars.

                    I figured you were smarter than to use some dumbass poll as "proof" or "evidence" as to what people want. Polls can be done to show any side, of any argument. They hold no water at all. It's all about their sampling. Did they do this polling at Denny's at 3:30 pm? You never know....
                    Originally posted by BradM
                    But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                    Originally posted by Leah
                    In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                      I figured you were smarter than to use some dumbass poll as "proof" or "evidence" as to what people want. Polls can be done to show any side, of any argument. They hold no water at all. It's all about their sampling. Did they do this polling at Denny's at 3:30 pm? You never know....
                      Does the defenses case hold waaater?

                      Numbers can be manipulated in all kinds of ways to back an argument.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                        Does the defenses case hold waaater?

                        Numbers can be manipulated in all kinds of ways to back an argument.
                        Just like statistics....

                        60% of the time, it works every time.
                        Originally posted by BradM
                        But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                        Originally posted by Leah
                        In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by jakesford View Post
                          Go for it, I hate smelling like an ashtray after going to the bar. One reason I like Austin...
                          ^^idiot. Just because you and many others don't favor something LEGAL that happens in a BAR doesn't mean that legislation needs to be drawn up. This bill is complete bullshit. Oh and by the way, my parents smoked for years, I absolutely HATE the smell and odor of smoke, my stomach truly turns. But, banning smoking in bars and restaurants is the last thing we need to be doing, it will kill business, big time.
                          Detailing by Dylan
                          Ask about the Pre-Spring special


                          • #88
                            This thread is about a page and a quarter longer than it should be.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                              I figured you were smarter than to use some dumbass poll as "proof" or "evidence" as to what people want. Polls can be done to show any side, of any argument. They hold no water at all. It's all about their sampling. Did they do this polling at Denny's at 3:30 pm? You never know....
                              Even if the poll was conducted with the utmost integrity and the results are completely indicative of public sentiment, what the fuck does it matter? I'd be more inclined to offer a little more support if cigarette smokers weren't the same fucks trying to tell me what I can and can't put in my body, but it's still not the government's place to tell you assholes where you can and can't be asinine fucks.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                                I seriously doubt there are people campaigning to get rid of smoking in bars. This is some bullshit agenda by an out of touch blue haired democrat in Houston.
                                These groups are all campaigning to get rid of smoking in bars.


                                Supporting Organizations
                                Coalition Members

                                American Cancer Society
                                American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
                                American Heart Association
                                Texas Parent Teacher Association
                                Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids
                                American Lung Association
                                Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights

                                AARP – Texas
                                Amarillo Area CASA, Inc.
                                American Diabetes Association
                                Bexar County Medical Society
                                Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas
                                Burnet Chamber of Commerce
                                Cancer Support Community North Texas
                                Cheatham Street Music Foundation
                                Cheatham Street Warehouse
                                Children’s Hospital Association of Texas
                                Coalition for Nurses in Advanced Practice
                                Dallas County Medical Society
                                Girl Scouts of Central Texas
                                Goodcare Health Services
                                Hendrick Medical Center
                                Houston Communities for Safe Indoor Air
                                March of Dimes
                                Men’s Health Network
                                Public Citizen-Texas
                                Quail Creek ENT Center
                                Scott & White Healthcare
                                Sierra Club – The Lone Star Chapter
                                Texans Care for Children
                                Texas Academy of Family Physicians
                                Texas Association of Health Plans
                                Texas Association of Local Health Officials
                                Texas Asthma Coalition
                                Texas Dermatological Society
                                Texas Health Resources
                                Texas Hospital Association
                                Texas Infant Health Alliance
                                Texas Nurses Association
                                Texas Ophthalmological Association
                                Texas Pediatric Society
                                Texas Public Health Association
                                Texas Renal Coalition
                                Texas School Nurses Association
                                Tobacco-free North Texas
                                Trade In Hope
                                Travis County Medical Society
                                United Health Care
                                United Ways of Texas

                                Faith-Based Organizations
                                Central Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church, Outreach Council
                                Central Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church, United Methodist Men
                                Christian Life Commission of the Baptist General Convention of Texas
                                Ethics and Religious Liberty Committee of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
                                Health Ministries Network of Texas
                                Islamic Association of Carrollton
                                Methodist Healthcare Ministries
                                Northwest Texas Conference Leadership Team of the United Methodist Church
                                Southwest Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, General Board of Church and Society
                                Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
                                Texas Catholic Conference
                                Texas Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists
                                Texas Impact

                                I didn't spend a real long time looking, but I didn't find a list of organizations supporting smoking in bars. I'd imagine it would be the tobacco companies and a senator who really likes his Marlbs.

