I smoked for more than 2o years, quit in 1june 2002, but if I dont want too smell someone shitt I'm not going there. If you guys dont like the smoke smell dont go to the bar, go to WALLMART.
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Senate bill bans smoking in Texas bars and restaurants
I disagree with the legislation. As others have said, I'm all about letting the market work in this case. I'm an avid non-smoker and just flat out won't go to restaurants that stink with cigarette smoke. And that's how I "vote". If the restaurants my business, they need to clean up.
I don't think it should be legislated to ban use of a legal product just because other are inconvenienced. This becomes too nanny-state."Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey
For those non-smokers that are ok with this, just think about how you would feel if they banned something you choose to enjoy.
I'm not a smoker, but I am a citizen who supports the idea the other citizens should have freedom of choice. I think a logical solution would be to let the businesses decide, but I would guess restaurant owners probably don't want that responsibility because if it is their choice they are going to piss off customers one way or the other.
A smoker has the option to put it out if they are bothering someone.
A non smoker has the option to deal with it, ask them to put it out, to move, or to choose a different restaurant.
The problem is that nobody gives a damn about anybody else, they all just want everything to be comfortable for them. (obviously not everybody)"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
-Gerald Ford/Thomas Jefferson
All I want to know, is where are all these non-smoking bars people keep talking about? Oh yeah, they are all places that are non-smoking due to legislation. No owner is going to choose to ostracize a good portion of their patrons. Like most of you I'm pulled in both directions, luckily I'm rarely in a bar these days.DamonH
I lived in Florida and they passed the same law . I understand the point that we don't want government to involved but I enjoyed being out allot more as a non smoker . Its not just the customers we need to think about . The staff in these places are exsposed also and yes they could always find another job but thats not realistic . The owners don't have to worry about loosing biz because the smokers can't smoke anywhere . I think the smokers should be forced to smoke outside if they want to smoke instead of forcing the non smoker to move or ask them to stop . What gives a smoker the right to polute my air and put me and others at risk just because they like to smoke . I like to shoot my gun but I can't do it in a bar because I might kill somebody . Its a little extreme but smoking does kill people .Big Rooster Racing
California has been smoke free for over ten years, and Cleveland has been for about 7. I assure you that there is absolutely no shortage of patronage for the restaurants and bars in either place. The bars here will be just fine, as people will probably still want to go out for a drink once in a while - in fact, their business will likely pick up, as people who avoided bars due to smokers may choose to go to them now.
Second hand smoke is proven to cause health problems, and as stated the employees who work there likely don't have very many other options but to do so. Yes - alcohol causes lots of health problems as well, but me drinking a beer inside a bar is absolutely no danger at all to the girl that brings it to me. Sure, if I hop in my car and drive like an ass when I leave, it becomes a danger to others - but I would be breaking a law to do so.
It still blows my mind how passionate smokers are about defending their habit. Smoking cigarettes has got to be the most over rated thing ever. Besides reducing your withdrawal symptoms - it really isn't that enjoyable.
Bottom line , it should be up to the owners of the establishments.
What's next ? Can't smoke in your own home ? We are not children, we can decide if we want to go into a bar or anywhere else where smoking is permitted. If we don't want to be around cigs, we have option of goig somewhere else.
Don't like it, don't go. But we don't get to make those hard decisions on our own, thank god the government steps in and looks out for our well being.
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Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View PostThere is probably a fairly easy way around this though, make all patrons register at the bar and have it be a "private club" for "members only".
Nevermind the owners that have ALREADY spent the money and made the concessions to comply with current smoking legislation that was ruled by each city. Dallas, Fort Worth, Irving, all had provisions in the legislation that if you met the criteria, you could keep a smoking section. So, places like The Keg in Las Colinas, Champps, Cool River, etc spent the coin. Now the State is coming in and overruling local govt. What about these bar owners? Who's going to pay that money back? There are a whole lot of pissed off business owners involved in this. And it's only getting worse.Originally posted by BradMBut, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.Originally posted by LeahIn other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.
This would probably include cigars and pipe smoking.
This is more about taking the choice away from the owner then it is about smoking itself.
One day bar maybe only allowed to have state sponsored beer in them.Originally posted by MR EDDU defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.
Originally posted by Slowhand View PostThank goodness for all of that research that shows secondhand smoke to be harmless!Originally posted by BradMBut, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.Originally posted by LeahIn other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.
Originally posted by bcoop View PostWith enough time and money, it can (and WILL) be proven in our lifetime that oxygen causes cancer. I'll even put money on it. Pretty weak argument there.Originally posted by MR EDDU defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.
Originally posted by bcoop View PostWith enough time and money, it can (and WILL) be proven in our lifetime that oxygen causes cancer. I'll even put money on it. Pretty weak argument there.
The decision should be up to the business. But being a non-smoker, I am happy with the decision.
Originally posted by clevelandkid View PostThe bars here will be just fine, as people will probably still want to go out for a drink once in a while - in fact, their business will likely pick up, as people who avoided bars due to smokers may choose to go to them now.
Who are you to say how things will be for bar owners? You own a bar? Owned one in the past? Ever had more to do with one other than waiting tables or serving drinks? What experience makes you an expert? I know for a fact that bar owners have suffered from the local legislation. Things settle eventually, but to say "they'll be just fine" when you have no first hand knowledge how much they are affected is just absurd. I know how much revenue has been lost. I know how many loyal patrons haven't been since the legislation went in to effect.
Originally posted by clevelandkid View PostSecond hand smoke is proven to cause health problems
Originally posted by clevelandkid View Postand as stated the employees who work there likely don't have very many other options but to do so.
Bullshit. Life is full of choices. I don't want to hear some sob story about "Well it's the only place I can work, it's the only job I can hold." That's somehow my problem? Here's an idea, grab yourself by the nuts and make something out of your life instead of making it everyone else's problem.
Originally posted by clevelandkid View PostIt still blows my mind how passionate smokers are about defending their habit. Smoking cigarettes has got to be the most over rated thing ever. Besides reducing your withdrawal symptoms - it really isn't that enjoyable.
That's your opinion, and smokers have theirs. Again, this is a slippery slope and you're just too ignorant to see it. Maybe I can do enough bitching and complaining to get race tracks banned. I mean, noise pollution, polluting the environment, and we all know 90% of the crowd at Kennebelly these days has illegal guns, drugs, and everything else. That's it. I'm calling all the news stations and starting a crusade. I don't like it, so nobody else has the right to do it.Originally posted by BradMBut, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.Originally posted by LeahIn other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.