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Anyone watched "The Inside Job"

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  • Anyone watched "The Inside Job"

    Its a documentary about the collapse of the economy and how it happened. From my view it is very unbiased and has great information. It really explains how all banks and insurance companies crumbled based on greed. It's interesting to see how many of the cronies that ran the companies that screwed people are now in our US Government appointed by Obama.

    If you guys get bored, it's worth the watch/rental. I have it in 720p(mkv) if you guys want to torrent it.

    To understand how it all works will piss you off, but I finally made some sense of how it happened.

  • #2
    Yeah it seems that greed usually ends up destroying the greedy. I don't know why they couldn't be content with just being rich. I certainly would.


    • #3
      i watched this last night on "on demand"...not a bad flick. i was waiting for the obama ass kissing, but they pointed out a bunch of his crap as well...


      • #4
        Haven't seen it, but a friend of mine with a background in finance who is now the third generation running his family biz keeps recommending it to me.

        Hard to be more conservative than this guy, if he approves I know it's legit. We email crap back and forth. Well, mostly me emailing things I find, coming up with an opinion, and bouncing them off him. He says the film nicely brings together and sums up all the various information I've come across on the web.

        I just started reading The Big Short, but I haven't gone far.
        US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


        • #5
          Thread revival.

          I just watched this the other night, and was thoroughly impressed. It is appalling that the people responsible are not only still free men, but vastly rich and even employed, still firmly in powerful positions.

          It shows that we are in a much worse position now, with fewer, more centralized banks and even less regulations.

          The interviewer was great. He asked some great, non-sugar coated questions. It's a shame so many declined to be interviewed. Americans should have held these individuals responsible, but instead, we turned a lenient shoulder and gave them even more power. Our complacency and ignorance of this debacle will lead to another crisis.

