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Union Myths

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  • #91
    Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
    When did I ever complain about my pay. Im paid damn good and Im proud of the life I provide for my family. Maybe you should tell your mom and dad to stop cashing those railroad retirement checks each month since this bothers you so much. They do away with the unions and he wouldnt get shit. Im sure the railroad and the union provide a damn good life for your dad and family. It couldnt be that bad if he stuck it out to retirement.
    Why do you keep bringing up pay? Are you even reading anything on here, or do you just post another union-sucking thread?

    BTW, my father took an early buy-out in 1990 and got a higher paying job 4 days later. He's got RR and military paying him these days, though. The biggest problems he had with the union was that it worked harder to keep unproductive people in the workplace and wouldn't let management do its job the way it needed to. Either you understand or are part of the problem.


    • #92
      Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
      It doesn't but I get tired of all the shit talking. Yall act like union members should be ashamed of themselves because they make a decent wage. The funny thing is the same people that talk the most shit were raised on union incomes.
      You mean people that understand what unions today are all about. Yes.

      There was a time when union labor served a purpose and it was a necessary tool in the workforce, but today it is only used as leverage against employers to squeeze everything it can out of a company, making everything cost more and take America out of the competitive workforce as employers flock to other countries.



      • #93
        Originally posted by Denny View Post
        You mean people that understand what unions today are all about. Yes.

        There was a time when union labor served a purpose and it was a necessary tool in the workforce, but today it is only used as leverage against employers to squeeze everything it can out of a company, making everything cost more and take America out of the competitive workforce as employers flock to other countries.

        But haven't you read his posts? If you take out the bloated union salaries, companies wouldn't lower their prices. Don't you know that companies' greed is the only factor driving price?
        Originally posted by Broncojohnny
        HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


        • #94
          Originally posted by That_Is_My_El_Camino View Post
          But haven't you read his posts? If you take out the bloated union salaries, companies wouldn't lower their prices. Don't you know that companies' greed is the only factor driving price?
          In that case, the other countries deserve all the work they are getting.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Denny View Post
            Why do you keep bringing up pay? Are you even reading anything on here, or do you just post another union-sucking thread?

            BTW, my father took an early buy-out in 1990 and got a higher paying job 4 days later. He's got RR and military paying him these days, though. The biggest problems he had with the union was that it worked harder to keep unproductive people in the workplace and wouldn't let management do its job the way it needed to. Either you understand or are part of the problem.
            Yep I knew your pops was bitter. Only reason someone would take a buyout in 1990 is because they didnt or wouldnt have enough senority to hold a job after the merger. No wonder you and your dad hate unions. Remember its not the unions fault your old man didnt hire out sooner.


            • #96
              Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
              Yep I knew your pops was bitter. Only reason someone would take a buyout in 1990 is because they didnt or wouldnt have enough senority to hold a job after the merger. No wonder you and your dad hate unions. Remember its not the unions fault your old man didnt hire out sooner.
              Yeah, because seniority is so much more important than him being reliable and hard-working.
              Originally posted by Broncojohnny
              HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


              • #97
                Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
                Yep I knew your pops was bitter. Only reason someone would take a buyout in 1990 is because they didnt or wouldnt have enough senority to hold a job after the merger. No wonder you and your dad hate unions. Remember its not the unions fault your old man didnt hire out sooner.
                He had more time than you think. He also had a badass opportunity that beat what the RR had. He was never bitter about the RR or the job he did. Just scumbags like what you sound like. He got one year's salary and had a job paying higher. How do you think he felt?

                I love assumptions that show dumbassery.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
                  Yep I knew your pops was bitter. Only reason someone would take a buyout in 1990 is because they didnt or wouldnt have enough senority to hold a job after the merger. No wonder you and your dad hate unions. Remember its not the unions fault your old man didnt hire out sooner.
                  Jesus Christ, you've got more presumptions than you do brain cells.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by That_Is_My_El_Camino View Post
                    Yeah, because seniority is so much more important than him being reliable and hard-working.
                    This piece of shit is nothing but a union drone. Seniority and pay is all they understand. That is why he'll be pushing an engine the rest of his life without going out and seeing just how much his real potential (good or bad) is. That's OK, though. The RR needs drones like him. He makes a decent amount of money for what he does and it makes him feel like he's a top NFL draft pick. I'd say the union did its job.


                    • Originally posted by Denny View Post
                      He had more time than you think. He also had a badass opportunity that beat what the RR had. He was never bitter about the RR or the job he did. Just scumbags like what you sound like. He got one year's salary and had a job paying higher. How do you think he felt?

                      I love assumptions that show dumbassery.
                      thats not even possible! the railroad is the best job ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      god bless
                      It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


                      • I thought professional warmonger was?


                        • i see you werent paying attention in freight trains class. go listen to stern!

                          god bless.
                          It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


                          • fml


                            • Originally posted by Lason View Post
                              You consistantly miss the point. My point was not that cars are expensive, it wasnt that buisness's should not make money, it wasnt that anyone is OWED anything.

                              My point was, why do YOU care how much someone in a union makes? If that car's price wont go down if they take away the union and lower pay scales then what difference does it make to you?
                              Well first off no I didn't miss the point, at least when it comes to the car part. You said "Do you think they would sell them cheaper?" Now why would you mention that, if you didn't think they should? If there were no unions, I mean. That was what you were referring to. So that means, that if they were able to pay their workers less, you think they should charge less. Well bull fucking shit. Again, welcome to business.

                              As for caring how much a unioner makes, I guess I care for all the same reasons everyone else does. Cause it starts to affect me. If GM had finally closed down, that would have effected me in 3 ways. 1. I fucking like GM and I don't want them going anywhere. 2. It hurts the country that I deeply love. 3. The principle of the thing. A bunch of crying overpaid day laborers had a hand in its destruction. Something about people getting what they don't deserve rubs me the wrong way. Just like people who do deserve, not getting it rubs me the wrong way.

                              Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
                              The railroad charges up to 300k for one train. I think they can afford to pay me my daily rate and still keep the lights on.
                              You have absolutely no idea how that business runs and what their expenses are. You can say that you do, but if you did I promise you, you would have never said that. This just points even more to your sense of undeserved entitlement. You remind me of the mexicans that work for my dad. Once they saw a $57k check that he got for a job that they worked on, that he did. Instantly they all thought they should be making thousands more and many of them quit when he couldn't afford to give them a raise. Sooo many people talk all manner of shit about how much their company can afford to pay, when they are completely ignorant about the realitiy of the situation. Add that to the long list of problems that I have with unions.
                              Last edited by SMEGMA STENCH; 03-22-2011, 12:15 PM.


                              • Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
                                You have absolutely no idea how that business runs and what their expenses are. You can say that you do, but if you did I promise you, you would have never said that. This just points even more to your sense of undeserved entitlement. You remind me of the mexicans that work for my dad. Once they saw a $57k check that he got for a job that they worked on, that he did. Instantly they all thought they should be making thousands more and many of them quit when he couldn't afford to give them a raise. Sooo many people talk all manner of shit about how much their company can afford to pay, when they are completely ignorant about the realitiy of the situation. Add that to the long list of problems that I have with unions.
                                His attitude just demonstrates what the higher ups in the union have taught him, the company is evil and greedy and owes you everything just for showing up. Meanwhile the turds at the top of the union are best buddies with their company counterparts and go golfing to laugh about how the peasants at the bottom think a six figure salary for working 80 hours a week is "a good living".
                                Originally posted by racrguy
                                What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                                Originally posted by racrguy
                                Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.

